"He was something alright," Hilda said, "I just hope he doesn't cause any trouble for us this summer."

"Yeah, then again maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions about this guy," Hilbert said pulling Hilda into a side hug.

"Yeah, you're right, he could just be an unusual person."

"I thought we already established that," Rosa said.

"Riiight," Hilda said sheepishly.

"It's alright Hilda we still love you," Hilbert said teasingly.

"Don't patronize me," Hilda replied irritated. Hilbert just chuckled and held her closer.

Back on the battlefield, Forretress had fainted leaving Toxicroak still standing but breathing heavily. "Forretress is unable to battle, Toxicroak is the winner," Nate announced. Both trainers returned their pokemon, shook hands, and left the battlefield. Nate walked back over to his friends and girlfriend, the latter he was very pleased to see especially in her current attire, not to mention the current state of her hair. Nate always liked it when her hair was like that, with her hair being so long Nate felt it made her look exotic. Rosa got up and embraced her boyfriend as he came over to them.

"Why can't I see you like this more?" Nate asked.

"Well maybe you should've tagged along," Rosa replied.

"True, we got time until the next shift, how about I make it up to you?"

"I like the sound of that."

Hilda and Hilbert both rolled their eyes at how cliched the two sounded. "If you two are gonna bang at least be discrete about it," Hilbert said teasingly. Hilda let out a giggle while Nate and Rosa both blushed bright red at the comment. "I'm getting hungry, you up for lunch Hilda?" Hilbert asked. "That sounds really good actually, have fun you two," Hilda said winking at Nate and Rosa. With that, the two went to the dining hall.

"They can make fun us all they want but I guarantee they act the same way when they're alone," said Nate.

"I wouldn't be surprised, they were all over each other when they started dating," Rosa replied.

"Speaking of which," Nate said as he pulled her into another kiss. It quickly turned into another make-out session, although the two quickly realized they were still out in the open. "Maybe we should find somewhere more private," Rosa said. "Yeah, I guess," so Nate replied scratching the back of his head. So with that, the two of them walked off somewhere else to have some alone time.


"There you go, eat it all up," Ethan said as he sat down a large tray of food for all the baby pokemon in the pen. Ethan watched with a smile on his face as they happily ate up all the food. "Are they eating everything alright?" Mira asked as she walked out. "Yeah they're doing fi-," Ethan cut himself off why he saw a Phanpy staying away from the rest of the pokemon with a sad look on its face. This Phanpy was only a few days old and was a particularly shy pokemon. Ethan walked over to the long nose pokemon and crouched in front of it, "what's wrong Phanpy aren't you hungry?" he asked. Phanpy nodded yes but looked back towards the other happily eating pokemon with the same sad look. Ethan got the message and moved toward the group of feasting pokemon, "Come on everyone, we've gotta let Phanpy get some food too. Don't worry Phanpy they're all really nice," he said. Several of the pokemon moved out of the way making a space for Phanpy who slowly moved towards the feeding trough. As Phanpy reached the trough, it took a bite of pokemon food and cried out happily, "Yeah there you go," Ethan said happily. Mira watched the scene with a warm smile.

"Like a big happy family." Ethan looked to the source of the voice and found Lyra leaning against the fence with Marill sitting next to her.

"It sure is," Ethan replied with a warm smile.

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