Mother Hen 2

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Hi, I hope you guys are having a good time.

I love this song.

Thank you for your support.

General Pov.


"Yes, Forth?"

"You need to make my Yo unsick!"

Dylan, who was making some modifications on his architectural project, raised his head to look at his son with incomprehension.

"What?" He asked.

"Unsick." Forth answered to his surprised father who didn't seem to understand what he was saying.

'I am sure it is the right word Pha used.' Forth wondered worriedly.

How was he supposed to make Yo unsick if he couldn't explain the situation appropriately to his father?

'Maybe I should have tried with Uncle Tin...'

"All right Forth. Try to explain to daddy what you are trying to tell me, okay?" Dylan proposed patiently to his five years old son.

"I don't want my Yo to be sick. And Pha told me Beam was sick so his grandpa made him unsick." Forth told his father proudly.

Dylan had to bite his lips so he wouldn't laugh out loud.

"Okay, daddy will make Yo unsick but the thing is Yo is not sick so there is no need to bring to the hospital."

'God forbids, we ever have to bring Yo any hospital!'

Satisfied with the answer, Forth left his father to his work while he was going to his own...occupation...which consists of watching over Yo.

* * * * * *

"And then I taught him how to say my name but Beam can only say Pha." The little boy explained to his grandmother who was listening to his long briefing about his daily life.

"Pha!" Beam squealed when he heard his older brother said his name.

"Yes, Beam? I am explaining to granny Jayna why you can say my name." Pha said to his little brother who was looking at him with wide adoring eyes.

Beam was developing quite well for his age and he was eager to learn how his older brother could use so many words.

Jayna had her grandsons sitting on each lap. One was talking non-stop while the other was making some kind of audio commentary. From time to time, Beam would look up at her and give her a drooly toothy grin before his attention got caught by anything mundane.

'They are small angels.' She thought with a smile.

"So tell me Pha, how is Pring?" Jayna asked her grandson since Pring was at her friend's house.

Said grandson went from smiling to pouting, even crossing his arms over his chest. Beam, who was smiling at her, looked at him with curiosity.

"I don't know and I don't want to know! She is a girl and she is annoying, granny Jayna!"

"Oh really? And what did she do?"

"She tried to steal Beam from me!"

"Steal? You mean play?" Jayna was puzzled about Pha's words. After all, he was still five years old, despite how smart he was. He may have chosen the wrong words.

"Yes, she always wants to play with my Beam! He is mine! She can't have him, granny!" Pha explained with passion, startling Beam who ended up hiccuping.

"Aw my poor darling, you have a hiccup." Jayna cooed at her youngest grandson.

Beam looked at her without understanding what she meant until another hiccup made his small body jumps. The toddler blinked in surprise before he cried, frightened by the strange sensation.

"I am sorry Beam. Don't cry." Pha tried, clearly sorry for scaring his little brother but the latter was inconsolable.

Witnessing Pha was close to tears too, Jayna decided to divert the situation.

"It is fine, Pha. Why don't go find Beam's favourite soft toy while I take care of him?" She proposed already putting Beam over her shoulder and she was rocking him gently.

With a nod, the little boy ran out in search of the sacred soft toy.

"My dear grandson, you have no idea how caring your older brother is," Jayna whispered to Beam quieted down and who was about to fall asleep.

* * * * * *

"You are the best little brother ever!"

"Yes, I know. Who else is crazy enough to cancel a date with his husband to carry his drunkass brother back home?" Ming asked sarcastically.

"I love you, Ming!" Sathit slurred, putting all his weight on the men who were carrying him.

"Why is he drunk?" Dylan asked carrying his best friend.

"Because Jee went on a business trip to Seoul to show some of her work to a guy she used to date."

'And said guy is about to get married to his fiancee.'

"Die, Lee Min Ju!" Sathit hollowed in the middle of Shibuya.

The three men got some stares, thankfully Sathit was speaking Thai instead of Japanese.

"And Dylan! You are my best friend!" Sathit said while pointing at Dylan.

"Thankfully my mother is staying with Phana and Beam at my place."

"Where is Kit?"

"He went home," Ming said sadly.

"I love you guys and I will always love you, Jee! Baby, you are the best!"

Dylan and Ming looked at each sharing some kind of companionship in the hell they have to endure together, especially when Sathit started singing I will always love you.

Ta da.

Another cute story with the cuties.

See you soon.

From the start (A 2Moons series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن