
I had to leave in half and hour or so for the dinner. I was getting ready for the dinner with everyone. I was in my room and standing in front of my wardrobe, trying to pick something to wear. I put on a long sleeve dress and tried to fancy it up a little. I was happy enough with it so I gave up on the stress of choosing. I walked out into the lounge room when I was completely ready. Darcy, Tash and Grace were standing by the door. We all walked out the door and got into the car. I hopped in the passengers seat and Grace was in the drivers seat. We were picking up Tash's boyfriend Daisy Thomas. We drove to Daisy's house and honked the horn. He came out 2 minutes later and jumped in the back seat. We then drove off to the restaurant.

When we got there, we parked underground and got the elevator up to the ground floor of the crown hotel. We walked to the restaurant that was on the second floor. When we walked in, we were guided to our table. As we reached the table, we saw Pat, Lily, and Marcus all sitting around the table. They all got up as they saw us walk in. I made my way over to Pat and gave him a hug. I felt the glare of Lily from the corner of my eye. I then gave Marcus a big hug and we talked about Josh and how he was doing in Sydney.

Once everyone had settled down after saying hello, we all sat down around the big table. I sat next to Marcus and Tash. Pat and Lily were across from me and Pat was giving me a look every time I looked away from my conversation. Darcy was sitting next to Lily because he couldn't be anywhere near Pat. They were only being civil for me. It's the only way they could ever be in the same room. On opposite sides of people. Pat probably would want to start something but the factor of me being there really held him back. That's probably why he kept looking at me. He wanted to make sure I was okay and to check how I was feeling about Darcy being at the dinner.

Overall I was having a fun night. But the nerves about Pat and Darcy were hanging over me. I knew Pat wouldn't go there, but Darcy was a whole different story. I had been talking to Marcus most of the night because I saw him the least out of everyone. We had finished eating and were just waiting until we all wanted to go. Darcy left earlier to go home because he had an early flight for an away game. He was going back to his own house. Lily also left because she got called into work. She gave Pat a smothering kiss as she left. She just glared at me as she walked off to the Uber she was catching with Darcy. I couldn't care less to be honest, well that's what I showed on the outside.

I went around the table and sat next to Pat. "Hey" I said as I sat down.

"Hey" He said as he took a sip of his beer.

"You all good" I asked him.

"Yep, I'm just exhausted George" he told me.

"From what?" I asked. He just gave me a look and I understood completely about what he meant. Marcus then called the waiter over and ordered us all another round of drinks. I sort of wanted to leave but it wasn't often I got to spend time with Pat and Marcus without Lily tagging along.

Patrick's POV

The night definitely got better as it went on. After Lily left, I felt much more relaxed. I got to spend time with my two best friends and just enjoy my time with them. It was a fun night filled with lots of laughs and stories shared. Georgia was really letting loose for the night. I offered to take her home because she had a few too many drinks. I only had water since the season is still going. I held her arm around my neck as we walked towards the front door of her house. I called Darcy like 5 times but he never picked up, some kind of boyfriend he is. She deserves so much better than him. Georgia is the most loving and generous person you could ever meet. She has so much love to give and I don't think Darcy should be the one to receive that love. Unfortunately that isn't up to me.

I carried her through her front door. Tash and Grace, Georgia's roommates, were already home and in bed. It took us a bit longer to get home because Georgia was fighting with me cause she didn't want to go home. She was acting like a 5 year old. She always does that when she's drunk. I have taken care of her enough times when she's drunk to know how to control her.

I carried her to her room and placed her on her bed. I took her shoes off and tucked her under the covers. I switched the light off and sat on the couch on the other side of Georgia's room. I had been taught to never leave someone alone when they were drunk. I wasn't going to stop doing that, especially for Georgia. She always takes care of me, when I'm sick, or if I just need her there. Now it was my turn to return the favour. She needed me and I was going to be right there with her.



This definitely isn't my favourite chapter but I hope you still enjoyed it. The drama should be starting very soon so get excited for more interesting chapters to come!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and thank you all for the votes and comments! Make sure to continue them if you are enjoying the book!

Cheers x

Cheers x

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