This is the best birthday ever

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Taylor's: POV


October 31th year 2015 Los Angeles

"Happy Birthday honey!" said dad and papa. "Thank you!" I replied with a smile in my face. "Already fifteen!" said Adam. "I'll always be your little girl!" I replied. "I know that!" he said.

"Open my and dad's present!" replied papa. I opened the box and let out a happy scream. "Thank you so much!" I said happily. "We knew you'd loved it!" replied Adam. "I'll see Green Day!" I said. "It'll be so awesome!" replied Kevin. "I can't wait!" I said.

"Take lots of pictures!" replied dad. "Promise!" I said. "I bet we won't have any voice next day!" replied Kevin. "I'll scream and sing along in every song!" I said. "I love you two so much!" replied Adam. "We love you too!" I said.


Amy came over later in the day and we had our Halloween party. This is the best birthday ever.

"I'll see Green Day next year!" I said. "I'm so happy for you!" she replied. "I wish you could come too!" I said. "I blame mom's stupid family dinner!" replied Amy. "I will think of you!" I said. "Aww, you are so sweet!" she replied and kissed me.

"I'm so happy you're my girlfriend!" I said. "I'm happy too!" replied Amy. "We'll always be together!" I said. "Forever and ever!" she replied.

-End of the flashback-

Happy Birthday Taylor💕 You're an amazing girl with a kind heart.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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