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A month had passed since Taehyung and Jungkook left the cabins. All had been quite peaceful, they were so caught up in each other that they didn't need the entertainment of TV or internet to keep themselves occupied. They were good at keeping themselves busy on their own.

Taehyung sat on the couch, staring at the blank black screen of their television set. He listened to the faint sound of water running from the bathroom, where Jungkook had been in for the past 10 minutes. Apparently when Jungkook said he wanted to shower, he actually meant showering and not messing around like Taehyung had hoped.

So he sat and waited, before grabbing the remote and switching on the television screen, it was delayed just a second before it brightened the room. Taehyung clicked through the channels before settling on the news, they haven't touched the TV in almost a month, and haven't even bothered to do much outside.

There could be an apocalypse and the two young men wouldn't have even known about it.

The young woman, who Taehyung assumes to be the news reporter, sat with a disturbed expression. And Taehyung's eyes widened when he looked at the caption at the bottom of the screen.

"7 bodies found on the river side of Stonehead Cabins."

Taehyung felt his chest tighten as he raised the volume slightly, careful not to turn it loud enough that Jungkook could hear from the shower.

He sat there with a lump in his throat as the woman spoke. "An unfortunate case has been brought out on the murders of 7 young adults and the missing persons report at the Stonehead Cabins just last month. Officials say that a suspect has been named from DNA prints throughout the cabin."

Taehyung stood, eye wide in alarm.
They know it's me, He decided

Taehyung has been to jail before, even if for just a couple of days. His finger prints were in the system, they know it's him-

"A note was found on the site that determines this case is in fact a homicide. It also determines that missing person, which we know is named 'Jungkook', was still present and alive during most of the murders. Here is Officer Park's statement a week ago on the murders."

The tv screen spit into two, displaying both the news reporter and a police officer that was working on the case.

The officer was quiet before speaking to the camera. "Our only suspect is named Kim Taehyung, his finger prints were the only ones other than the late tenants of the cabin found throughout the property. The location of the missing young man Jeon Jungkook is still undetermined and we have reason to believe that he is being held hostage or is one of the people at fault for these cold blooded murders. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi." The officer paused, a slight grimace on his face. "Park Jimin, and the two other adults that are waiting to be identified."

Taehyung grabbed the tv remote, switching off the tv before throwing the object across the room. "Fuck!"

The officers statement was recorded one week ago, which means they are now a whole week ahead than Taehyung was. Time was running out, they would find them soon.

If only Taehyung and Jungkook didn't decide to go back to his shared apartment. The police will probably be here to collect more evidence too.

But Taehyung and Jungkook can't go anywhere, their faces are now probably broadcasted on every TV, poster and billboard in Seoul, maybe even beyond that. They'd be caught the very moment they stepped outside.

A meek voice was heard from behind the corner, a head popping out with little drops of water falling off of his brown hair. "Taehyung, are you okay? I heard you yell."

Jungkook stepped out from behind the wall, walking over to the older before brushing his hands around Taehyung's arms soothingly.

Taehyung smiled, staring at the absolute beauty in front of him. Jungkook's hair was dripping wet, water trailing down his wrinkled forehead and cheeks as the younger stared at him with concern. He hated the fact that this could be taken away from him in who knows how long.

It could be tomorrow, it could be next week, it could even be tonight.

The older sighed, taking Jungkook in his arms and holding him as tight as he could. He took in the scent of almond and vanilla. Taehyung didn't care if that's all he was breathing. Taehyung didn't need the oxygen, all he needed to stay alive was Jungkook by his side.

But when the cops get here, what was there to be left? Taehyung would be arrested, Jungkook, if not found guilty would be taken away to some random hospital for trauma treatment. Their lives would be ruined.

Taehyung wouldn't let that happen. No one can take Jungkook from him. If he couldn't have Jungkook, then no one can. Ever.

Taehyung kissed the top of the younger's head, swaying them back and forth gently. Humming a soft tune that Jungkook could instantly recognize.

Jungkook looked up slightly, "Are you sure you're okay baby?"

Taehyung nodded, "I am, you have nothing to worry about Sunshine. Why don't you go sit while I make dinner? I'm sure you're tired and sore from this morning."

Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows playfully as Jungkook hit his arm, rolling his arm. "Whatever, why do think I was in the shower for so long. I had to wash your dirty words off of me."

Taehyung laughed as he scurried away from his boyfriend and to the kitchen. He looked across the counter and watched Jungkook as he sat down with a sigh. Reaching the remote and turning on the TV, tuning into the news, which by now was on a different story. Taehyung sighed in relief.

He knew that they couldn't escape the police. And once they get found Taehyung would probably die as a result . But he's learned from his father's own demise that he will not die by anyone else's hands except his own.

Taehyung and Jungkook needed to get out of this together.

And there was only one way to do that.

They had to disappear.

And as it would turn out, Taehyung making dinner that night had come in handy.

Y'all this book is OVERRERR.

After one more chapter.

In advance I want to thank you ALL for sticking with this story to the very end.

And I have many more stories (which are WAY more prepared) coming for you shortly.

Be prepared for the last chapter


Words: 1096

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