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I don't like the cover of this book anymore, it's a bit to plain. But I SUCK at making covers someone help.
Anyways, enjoy a long over due update. Sorry for the wait:):

The sun was still beaming in the late afternoon as the wind swept through the green trees. Although the area was now eerie and you could almost sense death around every corner, the air was fresh and the grass had an unusual shine to it.

Maybe Jungkook was just seeing things.

By now, the two boys walked down the dirt path
towards the car Taehyung had hidden during their time at the cabin.

Although it had been hidden very well behind the large rock and under the abundance of branches and leaves, Jungkook felt a bit dumb having not noticed the cars presence at all.

Jungkook stalked towards the car, carrying a plastic bag and a velvet container which held very... necessary items. Taehyung on the other hand, lugged the last small box of their own belongings towards the trunk of the car.

Anything that had belonged to the other boys were disposed of, as well as the car with its slashed tires and anything that could have indicated anyone had been there in the last month.

Yeah, fire was good for that. Really good. So much so that the clothing had been reduced to ash and the car was blackened and hallowed, the name of the model scratched out and the license place shattered and burIed.

Taehyung and Jungkook had been talking for almost an hour about the older's past and Jungkook was grateful that Taehyung could finally come clean about everything that led to him being here.

Taehyung sighed as he closed the trunk.
"It would turn out that my dad had a much more interesting job than just being a construction worker." Taehyung said, jumping into the car and starting the engine. "On my 16th birthday, a package showed up on my front door. It was addressed to me, and it was from my father."

Jungkook shook his head, jumping into the passengers seat and buckling his seatbelt. "That's impossible, your father died before then. How could he have possibly sent you a package?"

"That's exactly what I had thought. That night I brought it into my room when I knew my mother would be sleeping and opened the package. And there was a letter inside."

Dear Taehyung,

If you're reading this then I am no longer on this earth with you. This letter is set to be sent to you 2 years after my passing.
Taehyung, my dear boy. There are thingS I haven't told you that you need to know, and there are things that you need to be aware of for you and your mother's safety.
I was never the construction worker you thought I was. I kept this a secret for your protection and I had planned to keep this from you as long as I could, but I suppose because of these circumstances I can no longer go about this as I planned.
The truth is, I work as a top secret government agent in Seoul. I am employed with confidential tasks and files that even the president is unaware of. A spy is what we are commonly known as.
I am meant to take down the most damning threats to our city and country. I've been to many places under many fake aliases. I have taken down some of the most notorious drug dealers known to our city.
Taehyung if you're reading this, you may be in danger, and need to be under specific training for your safety. I know this might be hard to understand but it's for the best.
Please Go to the address written below, let them know that you're my son and your training will start immediately.

###- ##### St.

I love you baby, please be safe.
And I'm sorry,


P.S. don't tell mom.

Taehyung places the letter back into the box, picking up a tattered leather book and a blue pen as he blinked back the tears in his eyes.
He flipped through the pages and scanned through each heading. It seemed to be all the details of his father's operatIons.

"Dad, what had you gotten yourself into." Taehyung whispered, shaking his head as he skipped to the very last page. It was dated 4 months before his death and Taehyung thought it might be about the men at the hospital two years ago. He looked at the notes his father had written.

It had a picture of a man taped to the corner of the page and Taehyung gasped slightly as he was almost sent into a flashback. It was the same man that spoke to him at the hospital.

The same man that killed his father.

He had gone by the name Blood Snake and was one of the leaders of the booming drug and prostitution market at the time. He had a group of 500 men working for him, many having their own gang of men attached to it. It's estimated that because of this he had almost 2,000 men under his control. His first name is unknown yet he's one of the most powerful figures of underground business.

He also has a wife, and a 16 year old son.

Taehyung sighed, "This was written two years ago, he probably has more than 2,000 men working for him by now. His son may also be helping him since he's at the age of 18."
He spoke to himself as he closed the book and placed it under his pillow. Taehyung peered in the box again, pulling out a gun and a sharp dagger, both having the initials KJ carved into it. These belonged to his father, and now they were his.

Taehyung smiled, pulling out the straps that came with the two weapons.

He felt a small wave of relief wash over him at the feeling of the weapons in his hands. Taehyung had nothing left of his father after he passed. Mysterious men in black suits had come to take his belongings away only a week after his funeral. Though Taehyung knew who those men were now.

Taehyung placed the weapons into the box and stuffed it under his bed. He'll make his dad proud, put an end to this Blood Snake guy once and for all. After that no one will eVer have to suffer at the hands of that man again.

Taehyung sighed as he laid in bed and shut off the lights.

It seems like all the shooting classes he took with his father at the range would pay off after all.

He'll make Blood Snake pay for what he did.

"Wow." Jungkook stated, "I couldn't imagine that happening to me, it must've been so confusing for you growing up after that. Not being able to tell anyone about it must've been hard." He squeezed Taehyung's hand in support. Jungkook knew how difficult it was to open up to someone, and he was glad Taehyung trusted him enough to go this deep into his past.

"It was, the hardEst thing was not being able to tell my mother. Having to lie to her about where I was going everyday had taken a toll on the both of us." Taehyung smiles sadly. "But I knew it was for her safety, so I kept doing it."

"I'm sorry." Jungkook said.

"No, don't be sorry. Let's just enjoy the car ride okay? We'll talk more about this when we get home." Taehyung stated, Jungkook nodded, leaning back in his seat and enjoying the quiet music that played from the radio.

They began driviNg away slowly from the cabin, not noticing the little piece of paper flying out the rear window and onto the grass in front of the cursed wood that was cabin #3.

Who knew one piece of paper could cause such a terrible downfall so quickly?

"Jimin, Jungkook, and Yoongi,
I'm sorry, but I would've been next anyway. 


Hello, I haven't written anything in so long so I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit bad, I'm a little rusty :).
How are you all feeling?
This book is ending soon and I'm sad about it. :((
The ending might be unexpected, it might not. Idk I'm sleepy, good night!

Words: 1343

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