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"The 2 weeks are almost up Tae, we can't stay here for much longer." Jungkook shoved a slice of fresh cucumber in his mouth. He sat at the kitchen table this time, he was glad Taehyung trusted him enough to let him walk around the house as he pleased. When he stood up from the bed that morning, his knees were so weak that Taehyung had to carry him to the table to eat breakfast.

The older sat at the other end of the table slumped in the chair, his arms crossed and nothing on his plate. He didn't have much of an appetite today.

That and they were running out of food. And despite Jungkook's protests, Taehyung had made what was left of their ingredients to make a nice breakfast for him. Jungkook couldn't stay no to Taehyung, and Taehyung couldn't eat knowing Jungkook might have been the least bit hungry.

"There's a secret trail near the cabin, which leads to a clearing. My car is there, we can stuff everything that belonged to your friends in the trunk and go." Taehyung suggested, he watched as Jungkook slid the plate across the table for him to eat. He made sure to eat half of it.

Jungkook shook his head, "What about Jin's car? You slashed the tires, it can't go anywhere now."

Taehyung got up from the table and started pacing around the kitchen, much to Jungkook's slight amusement. "I don't know, take off the license plate, scratch off the car brand, then burn it? Make it look like an old abandoned car that was there for a while?"

Jungkook giggled as Taehyung groaned. The older sat back in his seat, munching angrily at the last cucumber slice on the plate. Jungkook smiled as he stood, pushing Taehyung's chair away from the table to make room for him to sit on the older's lap.

If Jungkook thought about it, he didn't think that Taehyung did anything Jungkook wouldn't do. As crazy as it sounds, Jungkook would've done the exact same thing for Taehyung if their roles were reversed.

He was glad, and he was grateful Taehyung came back to him. Jungkook didn't know what he would do if he had to pretend for any longer. Because with Taehyung, he felt that he could really be himself. He found his own home in the older, and he hoped that Taehyung found his own home in his.

Jungkook lifted his hand to smooth them across Taehyung's soft cheeks, looking at all the beautiful features he had to offer. He felt the warm arms slip around his waist and pull him closer to Taehyung's chest. He felt Taehyung's eyes roam around his face and body, and it brought chills up his spine to see the way Taehyung looked at him. He never knew how much he loved being stared at until Taehyung started looking.

The older brought one hand to the back of Jungkook's head, the soft dark hair passing through his fingertips. Jungkook sighed at the feeling, ripping his gaze from his face to bask in how well Taehyung held his waist.

Jungkook kept his eyes close, letting Taehyung massage the back of his neck and soon enough it wasn't just his hands massaging Jungkook's neck.

"T-Tae." Jungkook gasped, running his hands through the older's hair. Taehyung grazed the old spots on Jungkook's neck with his tongue, creating new ones on any blank space on him though there were few.

Taehyung loved hickeys, and Jungkook loved receiving hickeys.

Taehyung groaned and grabbed Jungkook's hips, grinding the younger's almost erect member against his own. A soft moaned escaped from their mouths and Jungkook smiled at the wonderful feeling.

Although Jungkook used to be one to get shy over these things, when it was Taehyung touching him, controlling him, dominating him. Jungkook had become more vocal, and more....outgoing then he thought he would be.

Jungkook wanted to tease Taehyung at least once in his life, to see Taehyung moaning his name as he does what the older would usually do to him.

Jungkook leaned into Taehyung's ear, saying his next sentence in the form of a long moan. "I want to suck your dick. Now."

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