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Jungkook shakily sighed as he heard footsteps from behind him, and he flinched when he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

"Hey, it's fine. It's just me." Namjoon said, patting the younger' shoulders gently.

"Hyung, we're not safe here," Jungkook whispered, keeping his gaze on the window.
"We have to stay together. We can't split up."

Jungkook had an aching feeling in his chest, over the past week of his stay here's he's kept his mouth shut about everything he's found. And there was a small part of him that thought, maybe if he had told everyone about it sooner they wouldn't be in this situation. Jimin wouldn't be injured, and they would all be peacefully playing video games in their dorms.

Namjoon nodded, "Yeah, I agree. I'll go round everybody up, yeah?"

Jungkook whispered, "Yeah."

The older turned away, and after a few seconds, it seemed like everyone was back to the living room.

They all sat on the couch, cautiously looking around. Everyone was on edge, and Jungkook couldn't help but think about all the actions he's taken this past week, and how all of this has to lead up to this very moment.

"We need to get out of here as soon as possible," Jin stated. "We don't know if that man is the only one out there, it could be more."

Yoongi crossed his arms, sitting up slightly. "I say we just pack our shit and bounce, worry about the police and shit later."

"No, " Jungkook said shaking his head, "He slashed the tires. There's no safe way out so we have to stay inside where it's safe."

Jimin stood up, pacing around. "What happens when the food runs out huh? What are we gonna do then? We can't just send one person out fishing, we can't even send 2 people out fishing."

"I say we fight him, it's 6-1. There's no way we won't be able to protect ourselves." Namjoon stated. He looked around whispering "6-1" a second time. "Wait. We're missing someone."

Jimin stopped, looking at everyone who sat around the couch. "Where the fuck is Hoseok?"

Jungkook's eyes widened, the man had walked around to the back... and Hoseok had gone to lock the back door.

The boys all stood up from the couch, running towards the back door. Jungkook lagged behind, he should have known. Walking towards the door, he met the rest of the boys. Seeing that there was no one in the hallway, Namjoon reached towards the door handle, swinging it open.

Namjoon walked out onto the front porch, his first step made a slight creak against the old wood. As he was about to take his second step, Jin grabbed his shoulder.

"Wait! Look what's on the floor." Jin said, he pointed to the porch deck and all the other boys, including Jungkook, peeked over the other's shoulder to catch a glimpse.


Namjoon glanced out onto the lawn, and he took another step before breaking out to a small sprint at Hoseok's lifeless body in the middle of the badly cut lawn.

Hoseok laid in a pool of his own blood. His arms and legs all in an odd position, as if they had been broken one by one.

The boy's all moved to stop him, holding him back with all their might. Jungkook stared, his face blank and his eyes empty.

He's seen this before when he had pulled that girls head out of the river. He had gotten used to the sight of dead bodies, and blood. Besides, if he had to be honest, Jungkook didn't really like Hoseok all that much. So it really wasn't as much of a loss for him as it might have been for the rest of them.

Namjoon broke out of the group's grip, running towards the body of his best friend. They've known each other since they were almost 5 years old, and they've been best friends ever since.

As Namjoon was about to reach the first step, Jungkook noticed something.

A wire.

And it wasn't just a normal wire, it was the sharp kind. The ones that could pierce your skin from the lightest touch. And Namjoon was running straight towards it.

Jungkook's eyes widened, he pushed to pass the oblivious group of boys in front of him. Reaching out to his hyung, Jungkook yelled.

"Hyung stop, you're gonna-"

Just before Jungkook could grab a hold of Namjoon's sweatshirt, he had already passed through the wire. The wire had cut through his neck, and with the force of Namjoon's sprinting it had managed to decapitate him completely.

His body fell down the stairs, and to Jungkook everything had seemed to go in slow motion. What was left of Namjoon hit the grass below the stairs. His head fell back and began to roll towards Jungkook's feet, tapping the tip of his shoe with a soft thump.

Jungkook stared at the head of his hyung below him, his eyes were still open and the both of them stared at each other with two different sets of eyes, one terrified and the other lifeless.

Jungkook looked at the wire, which was now visible because of the red substance dripping off of it.
He wants all of us dead.

There was a long pause of silence before the three boys at the doorway realized what had just happened.

Yoongi clasped his hands over his mouth, his eyes widened in horror at the sight if his friend's head on their porch. "Oh my god." He whispered to himself.

Jimin held his boyfriend tightly to his chest, only being able to stare at the body which was now oozing blood from where Namjoon's head once was.

Jin had obviously become hysterical, he choked on his sobs as he stumbled towards the corpse of his lover. He didn't allow himself any closer, he didn't want himself to believe it, he just repeated the words "no!" and "just get up." multiple times. Everything happened so quickly, one-moment Namjoon was there and the next-

"Hyung, let's go inside. He's gone, we can't stay outside any longer, it's not safe." Jimin said, pushing the both of them inside before turning to Jungkook with a burning inferno in his eyes.

"We are catching that man, and we are fucking killing him. Tonight."
Y'all wanna let me know if this book is shit alright. Cuz if it is I'll just dip tf outta here.


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