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Yoongi held the frying pan tightly and watched out the window in horror as the man with the dark smile walked up to his boyfriend.

When Jungkook leaned he ear against the window, he could hear everything that was said.

"There you are, you fucking psycho! Glad you can join me and all my DEAD friends!" Jimin laughed maniacally.

If Jungkook didn't know any better, he'd say that Jimin was the crazy one.

The man chuckled along with him, and Jungkook couldn't help but feel something tingling in his lower stomach.

No Jungkook! He thought, Now isn't the time!

He spoke, and Jungkook gasped slightly. It was the first time he had spoken since their last interaction.
"Yes, it's quite the tea party you have here."

Jungkook remembered how he was tackled by the man with his hands pinned by his head. When Jungkook looked into his eyes, there was a glint of realization in them. Which only confused Jungkook further.

He shook his head, turning back into the conversation. He and Yoongi had recited the plan to each other multiple times while they were inside waiting for their cue.

They had to wait until his back was turned, that would be when Jungkook would open the door and Yoongi would jump out with the frying pan and knock him upside the head. After that, they'd tie him to a chair, question him a bit and then kill him.

They already knew the plan was kinda stupid, but it was the only one they could really think of at the moment and they didn't have much time to think of anything else with the night setting in.

Jungkook didn't really want him to die or anything. Where would that leave the three of them anyway? Could they just walk out knowing they had just killed a man the night before?

How about his friends? Well, his dead friends, don't they deserve a proper burial instead of being thrown somewhere like a piece of trash. But if the police found out, they'd go to jail anyway.

And the actual murderer would have gone out with no terrible punishment. They can't kill him.

But would it really work out any different?

Jungkook looked out the window, and his eyes widened as their cue was beginning to approach.

Jimin and the man had started to circle around each other cautiously like they were sumo wrestlers about to battle each other.

The man was now slowly beginning to have his back turned to us, and Jungkook whispered to Yoongi.

"Hyung, get ready. We have to open the door soon."

Yoongi nodded and clutched the frying pan in his hands before getting closer to Jungkook behind the door.

"3. 2.. 1... Go!" Jungkook yelled as he swung open the door.

Yoongi jumped out, leaping off the porch with the frying pan over his head. Just as the target slowly turned around at the noise. Yoongi brought down his weapon over his head, the two colliding with a loud metallic *pang!*

The man collapsed with a thud and Yoongi fell to his left. Jimin sped towards him and lifted him up, holding him in his arms.

Yoongi was obviously shaken and he held Jimin's shoulders as his chest heaved up and down.

Jungkook quickly ran to the kitchen, grabbing a chair and placing it in the middle of the living room. He placed the rope on the table before running back outside.

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