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They walked through the thick bush and towards the river. Misquitoes were everywhere, and the bug spray they got from Dollarama days before seemed like it was doing the opposite of its intended job.

Yoongi groaned loudly, "For fuck sakes, why are there so many misquotes?!"

Namjoon muttered, "Gee, I don't know.
Maybe because we're in the forest and it was raining last night?"


Jungkook was in deep thought, is that why it was raining in his dream as well?

His dream. What the hell was that all about anyway.

He wouldn't call it a nightmare or anything. Jungkook has had dreams much worse than this. Whatever or whoever was behind the door made Jungkook feel oddly... peaceful.

As if whatever was there was calling for him.

Jungkook was awoken from his little daydream world as Jin clapped his hands loudly, "We're here finally!!"

Jimin sighed, swatting all the insects away from Yoongi and letting them all go after him instead. "There are even more mosquitoes here."

Jin scoffed, "Suck it up buttercups, we're fishing and we better bring some food for dinner."

Hoseok looked at the older in slight confusion. "What happened to the food in the fridge?"

The older shrugged, "I'm not sure before we all went to bed the fridge had a good amount of food in it, but in the morning there was only half of it left so I had to improvise for breakfast today." He looked at Namjoon, then Namjoon's stomach, then his face again.
"But I'm pretty sure I know what happened to it."

Namjoon's eyes widen his hand to his chest in betrayal. "What?! Babe, how could you say that? It was probably Jimin!"

Jimin stopped swatting insects, leaving Yoongi to fight on his own, "Hey, leave me the heck out of this."

"Hey, he's not lying. He and Yoongi were too busy fucking each other to eat yesterday night." Hoseok defended, "I was an eyewitness."

Namjoon's squinted his eyes, "So it must've been you then huh?"

Hoseok stood proudly on the small rock and yelled, "I'll tell you what I did last night, it begins with my right hand, a bottle of lotion, and my-"

"OKAY! We believe you, just don't talk about that." Jungkook interjected, he figured he had stayed quiet for way too long.

"Right, let's get started!" Namjoon said excitedly, at this point him and Jin were the only ones who were enthusiastic about fishing.

Jungkook didn't mind fishing, he just felt so, so uncomfortable. Not only was he surrounded by two couples and a guy that almost admitted to jacking off the night before.
He also felt the same feeling he had in his dream, and the same feeling he had waking up from the said dream.

Jungkook felt like he was being watched.

Before grabbing a fishing pole, he looked around him, looking past the line of trees he saw something  or someone.

But before he could get a good look, they ducked behind a bush and quickly scurried off.

Jungkook flinched when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey Kooks, you okay?" Jimin said, a concerned look in his eyes.

Jungkook looked around to find the other's staring at him with a mixture of confusion and confer as well.

He stuttered and faked enthusiasm. "U-h Yeah, I-I'm okay. Let's get fishing!"

Hoseok and Yoongi groaned, remembering what they had to do that day.

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