ch 11

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everyone sat in a separete seat, being depressed

Why life gotta be like this, carter thought to himself

Im so sad erden thought

Why me maria thought

I really need a boyfriend Julia thought to herself.

all of a sudden the train stopped . no one said anything because they too sad.

the doors opened.

"Matthew?" erden and carter asked.

"amanda?" maria and julia asked.

but no, it was an ugly ass fat cat. julia roled her eyes at the cat which made the cat angry.

right in front of julia the cat transferred into a tall handsome man. julia swooned

"hot damn" maria said. "he perfect for you."

julia stood up and the other 3 people watched her approach the tall guy. "hey hottie whats ur name?"

"Mayo. Like Cinco de Mayo." The man wiggled his eyebrows .

Julia giggled. "Nice name."

Mayo kissed Julia, and Julia happy.

Maria carter and erden raised their eyebrows "um the fuck "

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