chapt eR 2

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"why'd the train start"  all 4 of them said and they looked at each other surprised.

then tall kid looks like giraffe approached them from behind and matthew smiled at him and said "helo what ur name!"

giraffe guy shook his head "i can't tell u that"

jolea looked at him "u can tell me i won't tell anyone"

so giraffe walked over to jolea and whispered in her ear

"what a stupid name!" julia laughed and he started crying

maria went over "hey giraffe it's ok! don't worry! ur perfect just the way u are!"

"u really mean it?"

"yea" carter walked over and patted giraffe on the back. suddenly train moved very fast they all fell over.

"crap!! bro!!" carter said out loud

but soon they stood back up felt the train start to slow

until it came to complete stop...
"nooo why's the train stop!"

no one knew who said it because they all looked out the window to see....

"pete davidson?"

this time it was maria who said it. she smashed open the train window and climbed out to hug him. Pete davidson smile and looked like he hadn't slept in decades

erden looked jealous so he jump out to hug pete too

carter watched as both matthew and julia climbed out so it was just him on the train. he was so proud of his new friends for achieving lifelong dream of meeting pete davidoson.

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