chapppppppppTer 7

13 5 0

"PETE DAVIDSON!" maria was the first to scream.
"don't worry children we can save matthew... does he know how to make eggs?" pete said
"yes" julia said
"omg omg come on guys we got this" and the doctors got a bucket of blood and poured it in the hole in his head.

matthew screamed out suddenly and the doctors reeled back "he's alive"

"OMG HES ALIVE" maria was crying she looked at matthew the blood restored to him.

"STICH UP HIS FUCKIN HEAD" erden screamed at them

"damn ok" and they sticked up his head

"guys what happened...." matthew said sadly

"u erden and eric were talking about fortnite too much and ninja came and stabbed u..." carter said

"bitch this ain't my fault" erden said

"oh... ok..." carter said

"oh shit.... that'll teach me to never talk about fortnite ever again" matthew said.

"yes." pete said

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