Chatper 9

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"Kiss me hard before you go..... summertime sadness." Matthew sang, mourning the loss of Eric his bff.

"I got that summertime summertime sadness." erden joined in.

carter watched as maria rolled her eyes "eric was homophobic its better for all of us. we have a gay amongst us."

everyone sat up at that. "not me" everyone said in unison.

And just like that suspiscion grew in the air..... 

"I bet it's you carter" erden said

"I bet its you erden" carter said

"It's definitely julia" matthew said rolling his eyes

"bitch its obviously maria have u met her. she gay" julia said angry

"ok ok calm down everyone no need to get defensive. im pretty sure it was eric but now that hes gone we dont have to inhale his homosexual fumes.." maria said

"thats homophobic"

"no" maria said to the stranger "wait who is u??"

"my name is amanda rooney..." the stranger took of her mask revealing a pale face

carte was confused. who is this?

but both julia and maria started screaming and hugging this amanda girl, and they started talking fast like a group of white girls. carter chose to ignore them and went to sit with matthew who looked lonely.

"hey matthew u doing ok? i know u sad after eric leaving..." carter said uneasily.

"my only friend.. gone.. i need someone else to fill in the spot." matthew said

"u got us" erden said suddenly, because he was listening to the conversation like a stalker

"awwwww thamks guys..." matthew said

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