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Currently Taehyung and Jungkook were trying on tuxedos for a thier special wedding. They still wanted to wait a year or two before they got married because if they were going to do it they were going to do it proudly and openly. And currently they were still trying to get thier families to warm up to the idea of them together as two men.

"Hurry up I want to see you." Jungkook said buttoning up his black tux with small diamonds designed into an intricate design on the suit jacket. The Jacket had gold lining also designed into it. It was nice on him.

"It looks to much."Jungkook thought to himself

Tae walked out with the same thing on but in white.

Once he opened the curtain and walked out. It was almost as if the world went on slowmo just for Jungkook. For he beheld the most beautifullest thing in his eyes. The white against his boyfriends honey gold skin was just stunning. The long earring he wore just added more pizazz. The button down shirt partly open to reveal his chest. It was everything Jungkook had hoped for. He was stunning. Unconditionally stunning.

"Yahhhhhh. Dont look at me like that. Your making me nervous." Taehyung said shyly obviously blushing.

"I'm sorry. Your just......Perfect." Jungkook said with a smile.

They smiled at eachother.

These were moments they enjoyed the most together.


Yuni sat in the corner of the nursery watching Naiomi's kids sleep.

There nwas something about the twins that was such a relaxing sight. And she enjoyed helping Naiomi take care of them. In between music and a new family Naiomi had been extremely busy and Yuni was more than glad to help out. It's the least she could do for Naiomi.

She felt arms wrap around her waist.

"You know we could have some of our own one day." Hoseok whispered sweetly in her ear.

"You really think so?" She giggled back.

"Yea. It will be us one day." He said leaning in to kiss Yuni on the cheek.

Hoseok was so sweet to Yuni. When she was in Jail he was an oasis to the hell she would go through. He was always so kind to her. She didnt deserve it. But he kaptur coming. Bring her honeybuns and candy everytime he came. Keeping small talk. Bringing her books to keep her occupied and such.

"When did I deserve someone as good as you in my life?" Yuni asked caressing Hobi's face.

"Everyone deserves a second chance." 

Just as they were about to kiss again they were interrupted by a certain someone.

"Okay guys. I get that we are all having the baby fever thing going on and things.......but.......do you have to be all lovely dovey in my kids room???" Namjoon asked sillily as he walked in.

He looked into the cradle to see that both of them were surprisingly awake and not crying just watching the scene take place. "And they were actually paying attention to you guys....you guys are bad influences." Namjoon said picking up the twins and placing them on both of his hips.

The babies had gotten bigger and were beginning to crawl.

While Nichan loved to try to talk. Nailay didnt really say much. Occasionally she would babble with her brother but with other people she just kind of kept quiet.

Some days they would just watch the two interact with eachother.

They would play together, crawl together, and occasionally even fight eachother. They still havent figured out who wins thier disputes. The twins just come to a mutual agreement in thier own way by simply letting it go.

If they fought over a toy for to long they would simply leave it and find something else to do together.

It was funny to the parents.


Late that might though the setting changed.

Namjoon Walked into his shared bedroom to find his girlfriend laid out on the bed in nice lingerie. Namjoon was surprised as he saw his girlfriend with a bottle of champagne in her hand taking small sips.

"What is this??" Namjoon asked slightly uncomfortable yet intrigued.

"You dont like it?" Naiomi asked sashaying a bit as she walked towards her boyfriend. She began trying to kiss him but he kept politely dodging them.

"What's the issue??!?!?!" Naiomk asked. "You dont think I'm sexy?"

"What? NO!" Namjoon exclaimed "I mean yes. It's just that it was unexpected. What is all of this??" Namjoon asked.

Naiomi went to the bedroom drawer and pulled out Namjoons phone.

"I was trying to use your phone since mine had died to look up something when I saw your history."

Namjoon facepalmed himself.

"You have been watching all kinds of porn. And this was recent. I know that we've only had sex once and I felt guilty. Plus now we have kids and your 24 and I know you want to live a little. And now it's like you are forced to live like a 50 year old man. And I thought maybe it is time for me to take some initiative and be more sexy and give you the things you deserve. Because I'm slowly starting to feel like your baby mama you take care of and less of an actual girlfriend." Naiomi sais selfconciously begging to cover up her body with the cover.

"Baby......no.....I'm a guy. This stuff is incredibly going to happen I watch them to get off to yes. But none of them compare to you. I dont want sex. Lovemaking is definitely a go but this..." he pointed to the outfit his girl was wearing." Isnt really what's turns me on when it comes to you. I mean yea...I look at yo body and be like "DAYUUUUMMMM MY GIRL BAD" but  your sexy to me even when your hair is matted and your wearing sweats and a dirty shirt......basically what I'm saying is you dont have to make yourself uncomfortable or change who you are to make me interested in you....I already am. Thus the reason why I couldnt pull out the first time." He jokingly pushed his girlfriend causing them both to laugh.

"But since you asked for it" Namjoon quickly pounced on his surprised girlfriend and got to work.

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