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" WAKE UP NOOWWWWW" the eldest yelled kicking me out of bed. "We have practice today and we cant afford to be late you know we are the worst dancers."

"Yah.I do my best" I snapped.

" Come on joanie stop playing around we will be waiting downstairs"

Jin leaves me there in the room. I scratched me head to the name he called me because he doesnt usually call me joanie unless he was making fun of me or something. When I got ready and went down to the lobby of the hotel we were staying in all six of them were there playing around waiting for me to come.

"The leader decided to show up" Hoseok giggles under his breath to tae.

" Welp let's go then" I said nonchalantly as we all got into the van.


We booked a dance studio from 9 till closing but there seemed to be someone there. The music I heard sound familiar to a song I heard a while ago.

It was a drake song.

~ heard these records on my demo, did yall boys not get the memo~

Trophies by drake. It was bumping. The bass mixed with the trumpets were golden. I wondered who was in there. As Jungkook opened the door for us to walk in there we were in what seemed to be a front desk area. Beside the desk a glass door leading into the dance studio.

All I see is braids and a small body dancing to the beat. She was killing it too. I watched her as she danced to herself in the mirror perfecting a triple turn followed by some hard krunck. Most girls I see dance usually try to look cute but she was different.

She was short. And I couldnt help but look at her shape. She was far from the norm here. With a small waist and hips like no ones buisness.

" Wow" Jin said in awe.

" I know" Suga said staring at her.

"Who is that" Jungook asked trying to imitate a move the girl did but ended up looking retarded.

Then the music stopped.

And our first instinct was to scatter. But sadly just ended up running into eachothe making ourselves look stupid in the process.

"Hey...." the girl said shyly " How long were you guys there?"

"Naiomi?" I guessed not looking up from my shoes scared that I got it wrong but the voice so familiar.

"Seems we keep bumping into eachother." she said with a chuckle.

I quickly looked up straightening my clothes while the others do the same.

She was so interesting, yet I knew nothing of her. She was so different from what I was used to. she wore a crop top with some baggy pants and a flannel shirt around her waist. She looked like something out of an American movie.

" Your hair" Jimin questioned " Its different"

She just laughed

" Its called cornrows" she giggled " keeps my hair out the way"

" Oooooooo I know a lot about corn!!!!!" Tae yell in excitement

" Not that kinda corn silly" Yoongi says while slapping Tae upside the head.

Nai died laughing as did the others.

" Well I guess I'll get going then." She said while packing her things and heading ou the door.

Jungkook started to pout. " Does she have to go though I wanna learn that move. " he said figiting around like a little kid.

" Why dont you just...stay " I asked.

She stopped.

" But isnt this an important practice. I mean I've already taken to much of you guys time and you got a performance to do or concert or music video and all your staff is waiting and....." she is cut off.

S H U T  U P. YOUR STAYING" Hoseok tells before pushing her back into the building.

" unless you got something else to do" yoongi said with such monotoneness.

" no I just thought" she started

" Alright then. You will be hanging with us then" yoongi said with an attitude of "Matter Of Fact".

" Well fine" She said with her arms crossed as Hobi, Tae, and Jungkook force her back into the studio.

She stayed on the sidelines watching us as we received instruction from our choreographer. She seemed so into it she barely looked at her phone at all.

Next thing I noticed she is in the background dancing the routine too making sure not to be in the way.

I just forgot that this rehearsal was going to be recorded and posted to show progress of the tour.

" alright guys ten minute break"

And with that instruction they all plopped to the floor dripping wet of sweat.

" I think that's enough footage for today" on camera man says.

" You guys were completely amazing" Nai says while grabbing Jins hand to lift him up.

I found it funny because when Jin stood up he was towering over him.

" How tall are you. You look the same hieght aa Jiminie's pinky" Yoongi says with the meanest grin on his face. Causing everyone in the room to laugh except Jimin and Nai.

" Hey. Leave me alone." He says covering his fingers with his sweatshirt.

" I'm like 5'1 I think" she said scratching her head.

"Alright back to practice." the choreographer yelled. And with hat they all went into formation.

The rest of practice ran smoothly. Everyone dripping of sweat. Naiomi fell asleep in the back of the room.

In her defense it was 12:00 am.

" Awe man she cant hang! " Hoseok giggled silently.

I picked up her phone to try to see if there was someone I could call seeing that she didnt drive here.

Her screen saver said " YOU ALWAYS FORGET THE PASSWORD"

so I put on forget as her password and litterally got in. I started laughing as I went through her contacts looking for her friend she was with last time.

Mina Yun

"Child. What do you want? No I'm not going to listen to another one of your songs to see if it's good this early. No!" Yuni started.

" Hello????" I said wondering why she was so grumpy.

"WHO IS THIS. DID U KIDNAP MY FRIEND. IMMA FIND YOU AND IMMA KILL..." she got started before I cut her off quick.

" no no no. there is no need. This is Rapmonster I was wondering if you could get me the address to her house she fell asleep here at the dance studio hanging with us and I feel responsible for her." I explained.

" could just take her with you"

" I can't do that do you know how much I'll be jeopardizing with cameras and shit" I said witha surprised look on my face.

" There is SEVEN of yall. You telling me you cant hide a 4' 10 midget" she laughed

" Well we cant leave her here" yoongi implied.

And that was the beginning of everything.

A Darker Shade of LightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ