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Time passes. Naiomi heals well and they begin their tour as intended. Fans want to more about Naiomi's life so they decided on their way to America they were going to show a piece of Naiomi in a segment called Nai's Nation.  Which means she would have to prepare the boys for something they have yet to truly experience.

(Nai pov)

We sat on a plane making our way to America. Specifically, my city Memphis. A piece of me that i missed but wanted to run away from at the same time.

" So tell me" Namjoon begins as he shuffles his weight a little to face me. " What's Memphis like?"

" A big city at the edge of Tennessee. Known for its music and is implication of Blues and Rock and Roll. Home to some of the greatest artists in America. A place where one of the most influential man was assassinated. Its beautiful and yet so......." I paused.

" So what?" Namjoon asks.


"Love. Im here to protect you if their is danger." Namjoon says with courage with a smirk causing the other boys who were listening to chuckle under their breath.

" OH NO. Im not worried about me." I say with a laugh. " Im worried about you!" I say poking my finger at his chest.

" God. Can I be the Man for once." Namjoon retaliates with a cross of his arms.

" Your right." I say trying to smooth things over while i lay my head on his chest. " Theirs a lot you dont know about me. So this is going to be very exposing to me."

" Jesus, theirs more to you. I already know that you not only can handle a gun but own some and you always seem to have a weapon somewhe....."  Nioami swiftly places her hand over namjoons mouth.

" Shut up! We are literally on a plane." She says in a hush  tone.

" Wait. Is there a weapon on you. How did you get it through the detectors." Tae says unable to stay out of people's business.

With that being said the boys all stare her down.

Naiomi pulls out the necklace around here neck that looces like a regular necklace with a heart chain.

" What so special about little thin heart?" Jungkook asks n curiosity.

" If you wanna know give me your hand." Naiomi says with a smirk.

The boys a give looks toward eachother as if to see who was really going to do it.

"Here." Jimin says outstretching his hand.

Naiomi quickly grabs it and turns the heart to the side before slitting a small cut into Jimin's finger.

" Owwieee!" Jimin whines before sticking his finger in his mouth.

"You wear a heart shaped blade around your neck." Namjoon says in shock.

"You Satan!!" Yoongi growls while he hugs his little Jimin close to his chest.

The boys continue to laugh.


They finally landed in Memphis all feeling exhausted they begin making thier way to Naiomi's home.

( Jins pov)

We have been to America many times but this is my first time and a place that wasnt so dramatic. The streets were lively yet dead. It was interesting as i watched the streets as we passed by each one getting dingier than the next. weeds growing out of sidewalks. Houses becoming smaller and more torn up. People wandering the streets as if they had no place to go. We slowed down in front of a small house that had a metal fence around it. There was a small tree in the yard and a old car in the drive way. The lights were on in the house. 

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