I Fuckin Love You

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After they paid they all headed to their separate vehicles all happy with the food they ate.

Naiomi dying of curiosity pulls Shawn to the side giving him the hardest stare she could every give a person.

He determination of interrogation was completely active and she was ready to find the truth behind the matter.

"Soooooooooo......" Naiomi started hoping that that was all it would take for him to spill.

"Sooooooo...???" Shawn answered back which deserved him a slap on the shoulder.

"Why are you and Jin so damn close all of a sudden?"

"I mean. He a cool person. We talked a lot last night and got to know each other a little better is there something wrong in that?" Shawn answered.

"But you guys were like flirting and stuff." Naiomi says in a childish tone.

"Now who said I was into the guy? I litterally just met him. I know all your little friendsy friends are a lil fruity in the tooty buuuuuuut.......?"

"Dont you dare lie to me. My gaydar senses have been off the charts lately and it not because of Tae and Kookie. Play with me if you want to."

"I've been dating girls all my life Naiomi."


"Jin doesn't seem that bad."

"Alright then case closed. You just came out congrats. Your welcome." And with that Naiomi walked away proudly from her big brother and even did a lil leprechaun hop in silliness.

(Days later at the BET Awards)
Reporters from all over come to interview and get the latest scope on one of the first successful Black K-pop artist.

Naiomi looked elegant but still style filled. She wore a dress that flowed to the floor. The front was a romper while it had a trail following behind. It wore sparkles and and studs for more look to it. The dress/romper was gold like and she wore strappy white heels the went all the way up to he knees. The dress was a two piece so the top was copped.
Which exposed the gun wound on her abdomen. She was proud to show off her lil battle scar.
She wore white jewelry also to put the outfit together. She had her faithful boyfriend looking nice in an all black tux with a gold chain hanging out of hi jacket pocket and he wore some of his eyeglasses lined with gold at the bottom. The other boys wore regular tuxes.

Naiomi also brought her brothers and mom with her.

Naiomi and the boys began walking down the Red Carpet.

" Naiomi! Over here. Let's get a look of the gorgeous dress."

Naiomi obliged modeling her outfit as she climbed to her mans arm.

They stopped by to speak to an interviewer on the side.

" This just in we are talking to the Fabulous NaiNai and her nicely suited boyfriend RM from BTS. Tell us. How do you feel being nominated for some many awards at such an important event for the first time?" The interviewer asked.

"Its truly amazing. I'm just so humble to be here in the presence of so many great artists. This is going to be an exciting time for me." Nai said with a smile.

"Wow. Can we just take the time to bask in the glory of the outfit you are in. And we can see that you are proudly displaying the gun wound instead of covering it. Why is that?"

"I want to show those people out there that hardships do not have to break you. You can overcome anything and everything. I'm not going to stop being me because of a little mishap and neither should anyone else." Naiomi responded with certainty.

"Oh wow. Though you choose the Korean side of everything it's nice to know that there is still some black power fight in you." The interviewer said with a smirk on her face then eyeing RM.

"Um. What do you mean by that." Naiomi reacted with a smile trying to cover up the fact that she was slowly becoming irritated.

"I mean you show up to the BET Awards with an Asian on your arm instead of a brotha and dont get me wrong he isnt a bad catch but......"

"But nothing. Say one more thing and imma have to embarrass you in front of all the good people. Now unless you got something appropriate to say you better not say anything at all because I dont mind sprangin' on ya. I'm an advocate and a supporter for all things Black. Dont bring my boyfriend into any of this because he stands for me and is always there to support me which is more than your sorry ass will ever get. Dont do me." And with that Naiomi stormed away. Leaving RM standing there.

"You see that right there" Namjoon says pointing yo his girlfriend who went back into character for the many photos that were to be taken of her. "That's all mine"

And with that he left the interviewer and joined his girl.

When he joined her he whispered in her ear.

"I fuckin love you"

I know I know. I haven't uploaded in a while but it's for good reason. I'm currently coming up with some great ass plots and junt.

Please bare with me


A Darker Shade of LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora