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3 weeks later

"God Naiomi has been so emotional lately." Namjoon explains exhaustedly to Yoongi.

The two were on there way to a store to get snacks for the group. They had just came from a photo shoot which wouldve been finished if Naiomi didnt start busting into tears when she saw a bug get crushed under someone's shoe, she yelled at the camera man for asking her to do a difficult pose, and she said if she doesnt get some sweet as soon as possible she was going to "Throw A Fucking Fit". Which is exactly why the two were on the road.

"This is a first." Namjoon stated.

"Is it her time of the month. She was pummeled with a lot of stress recently with the counseling, and then Yuni being released soon and now her Mixtape just released..." Yoongi started.

"But it was a success..." Namjoon added." But that's probably what it is."


While waiting for Namjoon and Yoongi to come back the rest of the gang chilled at the venue of their photo shoot which was a nice park. They sat at a table beside a pretty phone with trees and all.

"What's your problem?" Jimin asked blantly catching everyone's attention. "Your acting different than normal and it worries me." He continued leaning his head in the palm.of his hands with a pout on his face.

"I really dont know. My head hurts sometimes. I'm hungry all the time. I threw up like yesterday morning. And every emotion is hyperactive." Naiomi says in a pout back. "Plus I feel fat."

"If I didnt know any better I wouldve thought you were pregnant." Jin says picking up is tea." But that's none of my business" he says before sipping.

Hoseok snorted at the remark and slapped Jins shoulder."Uncalled for." He said softly giggling.

"You did use protection when you guys........?" Tae asks in fascination.

"Well it was kind of in the spur of the moment soooooo....." Naiomi says in shyness

"OHHH GAWWD" they all yell in disappointment.

" I raised Namjoon better than that." Jin says face palming his forehead "I failed"

"You failed what?" Namjoon asked walking up with bags of snacks in his hands dumping the bags on the table.

Naiomi looked at everyone as she was telling them not to say anything.

"I failed in........maintaining my diet???" Jin tried to cover up as well as possible.

" Jim hyung, you never has a diet.... you would never give up food" Yoongi says taking a few of the snacks on the table.

Back at the house

Naiomi had been in the bathroom for over 2 hours with about ten water bottles and a pack of pregnancy tests.
4 so far has said she is pregnant. And she swore up and down that they were wrong but they all said positive so she just gave up and excepted the fact that she could be in fact pregnant.

"I'm going to be in soooooo much trouble." She mumbled to herself with the pregnancy tests in her hand."

"BAAAAABBEEE" she yelled hiding them behind her back.

"IN THE STUDIO!!!!" He yelled from across the house.

"OKKAYY IM COMING!!" She yelled back.

"HEEYY DO YOU HAVE TO YELL ACROSS THE HOUSE !!?!?!!!" Jimin yells walking out of his room with a face mask on.

"SHUTUP JIMIN" Tae says from the other end of the hall.

"WHY ARE WE YELLING I WANT TO YELL TOO!!!!" Hobi yells from the kitchen.

"I cannot stand this household." Naiomi chuckles to herself as she makes her way to RM's studio.

She walked into the room where she was greeted by at smiling face. She sat on her boyfriend lap and huffed.

"I have something to tell you." She pulled out the four pregnancy tests from behind her back.

He quickly snatched and stared at each one of them.

"Oh my god."namjoon said. " Your pregnant."

Namjoon opened the door and yelled "HEY GUYYYSS IM GOING TO BE AN APPA"

"I FUCKIN KNEW IT." Jin response.

"YAYYYYYYY" Jungkook screamed.



"SHUT UP JIMIN" everyone screamed back.


It was about time goshdarnit.

Jin and Shawn are coming soon as their love story progresses.

And Hobi and Yuni...( how tall feeling about these two??)

Aye yall ya gurl got a 4.0 GPA. College bound baby. I need all the love and support I can get to maintain this.

Love ya to the moon and back.


A Darker Shade of LightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon