27: Stole My Heart

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[Continuing of last chapter]

We finished swimming, and doing other.....stuff. And we drive to our second destination of the day. The drive is filled with happy conversations, and a little bit of belting out lyrics to the songs that we know.

Mine and Louis' second "date" was the picnic in the park. I found a park on the outside of the town, where no one was, so we could have privacy. There we had lunch, and then moved on to the third "date". That was the day we went to the mall, and then went ice-skated. I chose to skip the mall part, and go directly to the ice-skating since that was more romantic.

Once again, not surprisingly, I kept falling on my butt. I even landed face first one time. How that is even possible, I have no clue.

After ice-skating, it was dinner time. Which means it was proposal time. I've had butterflies in my stomach all day, and the moment is about to happen.

We step out of my car, and I run to Louis' side, helping him out. Before he can react, I put my hands over his eyes, so he can't see anything.

"What are you doing Haz? We didn't have more dates did we?"

"No," I say, as I slowly lead him to the table. "this is the last stop, the new memory." I smile.

"Okay." Louis answers, and I hear the smile on his face in his voice.

I lead him the rest of the way, and I stand in awe myself a little. Wow, Niall is good.

We are at the beach again, but it's much more beautiful because of the sun setting. A couple of blankets are laid out on the sand. Around it, a couple of posts, with strings hanging around and across of them. On the strings, pictures of mine and Louis' greatest memories are hanging.

I remove my hands from Louis' eyes and he takes a look. His mouth drops open, as he stands in awe, looking at his surroundings.

"What do you think?" I smile hopefully.

"Haz, it's beautiful. I love it." He turns to me, his arms around my waist. "I love you."

"I love you too." I peck his lips.

When we pull apart, Louis turns around again, a gigantic grin on his face. "Now, let's look at pictures."

He takes my hand in his, and leads me towards the pictures, both laughing. There are pictures from a month ago, and pictures all the way back from the X-Factor days. We spend quite some time looking at pictures until we get hungry, and I find a basket of food.

We eat the delicious food that I made myself actually. I look at my phone and see that it's already close to midnight, so I know it's time.



"Stand up." I smile.

"Why?" He frowns, a smile noticeable on his face.

"Just do it." You can clearly hear in my voice how nervous I am at the moment.

"Okay." He chuckles, and does as told. I stand up as well, and take his hand in mine before leading him down to the water.

Before we get all the way down there, we get to a little sculpture of wood. Beside of that, a torch with fire in it, is standing in the sand.

"Take the torch and set that right there," I point to a little string hanging out from the wood. "on fire."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Louis frowns, laughing at the same time.

"Depends how you'll react." I shrug, making him frown even more, since he doesn't know what's about to happen. "Come on." I motion to the torch.

He does as I tell him and picks up the torch. He directs it at the wood, and hits the small string. Within seconds, the words 'marry me' are lighted up by the fire.

While Louis is busy watching the fire reach all the way, I see my chance to get down on one knee beside him. As soon as he's able to read it, his eyes widen and he whips his head towards me. He sees me on my knee, and his hand flies to cover his mouth in surprise.

"Harry..." He gasps.

I smile at him before I start talking.

"Louis," He nods. "You stole my heart the moment I met you, I just didn't realize until a few months ago, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I fall more and more in love with you every single day, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You're not only the love of my life, you're my best friend. I love you more than life itself. I want to grow old with you, I want to raise beautiful children with you and lastly I want to marry you. I want to be your husband and I want you to be mine." I pull the box with the ring out of my pocket, opening it up, revealing a silver ring. "So, Louis Tomlinson, will you marry me?"

By the time I finish, Louis is in tears. He's gasping for air, but a smile of happiness is clear on his face. I wait patiently, even though my patience is running out.

"Yes." Is all he finally manages to get out before he attacks me in a hug. I let out sigh of happiness and hug him back tightly. My arms are wrapped closely around his thin waist, his around my neck. We sit up again after having hugged for a couple of minutes. I take the ring out of the velvet box as Louis stretches his hand out towards me. I slide the ring down his finger, it being a perfect match. I look up to see Louis biting his lip, holding back tears again, smiling down at his finger.

I caress his cheeks and thumb away the tears under his eyes.

Before I can do anything else, Niall, Liam and Zayn step out from behind a tree, cheering loudly. I didn't even know they were here.

I smile at them as they come running towards us. Louis and I stand up, and just as we do so, three more people embrace us in hugs.

"How long have you been here?" I ask chuckling.

"Long enough to see how beautiful that was, Harry." Niall smiles.

I blush and get shy all of a sudden.

"It really was Harry. It was the most loving, perfect thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you for that, haz, or should I call you...Fiancé." Louis grins, making me grin as well.

"I love you so much, Hazza." Louis smiles as he cups my cheeks and pecks my lips.

I smile, but before I can answer, Niall interrupts our moment.

"You know Louis, I took an online class to be a priest, so if you don't know anyone else, you know where to find me." He winks.

I laugh in unison with every one else.

And with that, it no more mattered if we came out to the world or not. All that mattered was Louis, the love of my life, my best friend and lastly, my future husband. This was the best decision of my life. I don't need a care in the world, as long as I have Louis by my side.


w-count: 1,3k

Oh wow. I didn't expect this to be that short. *sigh*

I really don't want this story to end. I've had such a great time writing it...There is going to be a couple more chapters, but then it'll be over.

I do think I will start writing a new one though, I just have to come up with an idea.


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