16: Nobody Compares

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500 reads, iiiihhhh. If you didn't get that, I am very excited lol.


I wake up, yawn and rub my eyes slowly so I can see. The sun is shining directly into my eyes.

Wait, why is the sun shining in my eyes? I should be lying in the bus, in my dark bed.

As I realize I'm not lying in my bed as usual, I quickly open my eyes and look around me. I am of some unknown reason lying on a blanket, in a grass field. What the heck?

"You look pretty when you sleep."

I jump out of shock, and quickly turn my head the other way. Next to me, Louis is sitting, staring lovingly into my eyes.

I don't return the favor however, since I am still mad at him.

"Why am I outside right now? And why are you next to me?" I glare and his smile leaves his face and is replaced by a sad face.

"You didn't wanna talk to me yesterday." He states sheepishly.

"I still don't." I shrug, looking down and not wanting to look into his eyes.

"Well, you need to, because I have to explain this to you." He insists.

"What, that you kissed another person while being in a relationship with me? And therefor cheated on me? I don't need an explanation, thank you very much." I say sarcastically, trying to be as sassy as possible.

"Haz I-" He starts but I quickly interrupt him, not wanting to hear any lame excuses.

"Don't." Is all I say as I feel tears burning behind my eyelids. I stand up and rush away from the scene, faintly hearing Louis' voice calling after me. I start crying hysterically, and I don't feel like being with anyone so I keep walking, away from the bus.

I walk, and walk, and walk, and walk, until I can't feel my legs anymore. And that is when I collapse onto the ground. Luckily there's no people near me.

No fans, no curious old people, no paparazzi, and lastly, no Louis...

I'm so tired, and tears are streaming down my face. I stay laying on the ground until I am so tired that I fall asleep. I sleep horrible since I'm crying and lying on cement, but I sleep.

Next thing I know, I'm back in my own bed again.

I open my eyes and, once again, see Louis sitting there, beside me. Deja Vu.

"What happened?" I ask, not really knowing what to say other than that.

"I was worried when you ran away, not going back to the bus, but I tracked your phone, called a driver and made him drive me to where you were. And when I got there, you were just sleeping on the ground and I felt so bad, so I picked you up, and took you back here." He explains, and I nod. He smiles shyly at me, but I break the moment as I say.

"You know, this doesn't mean I forgive, at all. You broke my heart." I feel the tears starting to build up again, but force them to stay in my eyes.

"I know," Louis says guiltily, looking down, fiddling with his fingers. "but can I at least explain? It probably won't work, but please?" He begs.

I groan inside, but say, "Fine."

He nods before he starts explaining, the whole time not breaking eye contact with me.

"So, I was forced on that date with Eleanor, which in it self I thought was terrible. But then Modest! texted me, saying that they had pictures of the two of us kissing, so if I didn't do anything to show people I was not gay, they would fire both of us. And, I thought that they could fire me all they wanted, but Hazza, he loves this...." He takes a break, before breathing deeply, suddenly looking nervous.

Truth or dare? (L.S.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant