19: They Don't Know About Us

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1000 reads! Whaaaaat! Thank you so much, I can't describe how grateful I am.

And sorry I am late, but I have been very ill, and therefor not been in the mood to write. But I am back again! Still sick though. But whatever, as long as my fingers work, right?

Love that song btw - but I love all their songs, so what's new?


I yawn and my eyes slowly flutter open. I look down and see Louis' head on my chest. Flashbacks from yesterday instantly fly to my mind, and a smile creeps on my face. I'm so happy, we decided to do this. It was the best night of my life. And I loved every second of it.

I tangle my fingers in Louis' soft hair and smile to myself. A couple of minutes later, Louis seems to wake up as well. He rubs his eyes and yawns. I see him open his eyes and look down at my body under his. The same smile, that occurred on my face, lands on his, which makes me even happier.

"Mornin'." I smile, and he moves his head from my chest to next to my head, so he can look at me.

"Morning Haz." He pecks my lips and places his arm over my chest.

I caress his hair again, stroking my other hand calmly over his arm, that is lying over my chest.

"My bum hurts like hell." Louis complains groaning in pain, as he moves a little in the bed.

"Mine does too." I chuckle.

I like that we both went through both things yesterday, so that neither of us is the more dominant one, but we are equal.

"I wish we could stay in bed all day." I dream myself away.

"Me too." He chuckles and looks me deeply in the eyes.

We smile at each other for a while until Louis kisses my lips for a couple of seconds. He pulls away, but I decide that I'm not done, so I put my hand behind his neck and press his his face towards mine again. I deepen the kiss by licking his lips, to which he happily opens his mouth, letting me in. To get more comfortable he moves from my side, and lies himself on top of me.

I love how I don't get affected by the way he is pressing all his weight down on me, since he's light as a feather.

We continue our make out session until Niall, violently laughing, of some reason, pulls the curtain away and shouts 'eeeeewww' when he sees us on the bed.

We detach our lips, and both chuckle at the blond boy.

"What?" Liam and Zayn both shout from the kitchen.

"Larry's snogging again!" His eyes then widen when he notices the little of Louis' bum, on top of the blanket on me, being bare.

"And they're naked! Ew! I'm scarred! Heeelp!" He screams as his hands fly to cover his eyes from the sight. He starts running, still covering his eyes, resulting in him running right into a wall.

He groans in pain, as he lands on the floor with a thump, but Louis and I just laugh hysterically. We laugh so much that we both fall to the ground, clutching our stomachs from the pain our laughter is beginning to cause. We don't even care about the fact that we are both naked until Liam and Zayn walk in. They're obviously curious after hearing both Niall's complains and the bump he caused when he fell.

They both start laughing to when they see Niall sprawled out on the floor, but then Zayn's eyes move from the blond guy to me and Louis. His facial expression immediately changes and his eyes widen. He covers his eyes with his hands as well before he yells, "Get some fucking clothes on, nudists!"

Truth or dare? (L.S.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora