5: Heart Attack

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So, this whole chapter was deleted, which means I had to write it all over again. That sucked. But here it is. I really like this chapter although I had to write it two times. Hope you like it too.

I love this 1D song btw! It is so good!


I wake up in an extra good mood. I keep going through last nights events in my head and I smile every time. This crush is getting serious.

Luckily, I didn't have a dream like yesterday because that was horrible and frightening.

I yawn and decide that it is time to wake up. It doesn't look like anyone else is up, so I don't bother putting on pants. We're having a concert again tonight, so we're probably going to rehearse all day. Yay, or something.

I go into the kitchen and grab some bread for breakfast. Five minutes later, Louis comes into the kitchen and we greet each other good morning. Louis is also only in boxers. And thank god for that, because that ass looks fine! And his slightly noticeable six pack is so hot! I'm just praying that I can control myself, because getting a boner at breakfast is just weird.  

He makes some food before he sits down across from me, and we both eat in silence.

"So I've been thinking about last night, and I'm sorry if what I said came out a little weird. I don't want you thinking I've got feelings for you or something." Louis speaks up, chuckling a little to hide the seriousness.

Way to ruin my good mood. Ugh, of course all good things have to come to an end. Just let me be happy, won't you?

"Totally, it's fine. Totally fine. Just fine. Totally." I croak out, also chuckling, but to hide the sadness in my voice instead.

Awkwardness fills the room, and no one speaks. That is until Niall comes into the room practically yelling. "Somebody make me some food, I'm hungry!"

We both chuckle and Louis stands up before saying "Well I'm gonna hit the bathroom then. Harold it's on you my friend."

Typical. I stand up and reluctantly start making eggs for Niall. He cheers and sits down, ready to eat.

I finish his food and hand it to him before I walk outside to get some fresh air.

I think about life. What is my life? I'm crushing on my best friend and he basically just denied on having any kinds of feelings towards me. So that's great.

Before I can think deeper into it, Zayn steps out of the bus. He sees me, and then starts walking towards me. When he gets to me he greets me good morning and sits down beside me.

"So how's it going with Louis?" Zayn asks curiously.

"Not great, I know for a fact now that Louis does not like me like that at all." I let out a combination of a chuckle and a groan.

"I don't think that's true, at least not after your conversation last night." Zayn says trying to be enthusiastic about it.

"Wait, you listened to that? It was in the middle of the night." I look to the ground in embarrassment as Zayn says "Well, you did interrupt my beauty sleep."

I mumble a sorry before Zayn continues "So here's my suggestion, why don't I make plans with Niall and Liam, and then you and Louis can have the day for yourself? Then you can maybe talk about it? Tomorrow of course since we have a concert today."

Sadness fill my voice as I speak. "Thank you Zayn, really, but I don't think talking about this with him is a good idea. But I would love to spend the day with him anyway."

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