24: I Want

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Great, great, great, great, great song. That's all.


I feel relieved after having come out to mine and Louis' families. Like there is a weight lifted off my shoulders. I was so nervous as to how they were going to take it, but it went amazing. Louis and I spend the whole night explaining our 'love story' and I couldn't be happier. It felt amazing to be able to kiss and touch Louis however way I wanted in company of other people. without having to think about the consequences. And soon I will get to do that in front of the whole world.

The past hour, me and Louis, in company of the other boys, have been trying to come up with a good way to out ourselves. But how? This is going to be a game changer, I'm sure of it.

"Boys," Simon calls as he enters the tour bus with his 'crew' following close behind. "the interview is in 15 minutes. Have you figured out a way to break the news?"

I shake my head as Louis answers "No, we haven't. I guess we'll just improvise." He shrugs.

"Whatever you want. It's your own fault to do this." I hear him mutter under his breath, and I roll my eyes at it.

Fifteen more minutes of my legs shaking, butterflies flying around in my stomach and taking deep breaths, and then we are suddenly waiting for the interviewer to ask the first question.

"Hello boys."

"Hello." Liam answers for the group.

"How are you today?"

"We're great thank you very much, how are you?" Liam smalltalks as always.

"I'm good thanks. So how have your world-tour been going so far?" She asks.

"It has been going fantastic. We couldn't wish for better fans." Liam answers.

"And this has really been a time for us to connect." Niall adds on, and my mind instantly thinks back on mine and Louis' history and relationship development during the tour, making me smile.

"That's wonderful boys." She smiles. "So I have brought a couple of fan questions today, hoping you will answer them the best you can?"

"Of course." Louis speaks up.

"Okay number 1, who's your celebrity crush?"

Niall starts "Demi Lovato."

The interviewer nods and then Liam says his. "Leona Lewis or Miley Cyrus."

Zayn then takes his turn "Megan Fox or Katy Perry."

Then it is just Louis and I back. I answer the exact same person as always. "Frankie Sanford" And I am pretty sure the fans have taken notice in how much she looks like Louis, because that's why I like her. I also already know Louis' answer, since he chose the person that looked most like me as well. We have discussed this many times before.

"And mine is Susan Boyle." He smiles.

"Great answers. Now, how many of you are in a relationship? Well actually, how many of the hopeful young girls have a chance?" Oh God.

Louis and I share a very quick glance as we both realize that this is happening soon. Or now.

"I am. In a relationship that is." Liam raises his hand.

"I'm as single as you can be." Niall chuckles.

"Me too." Zayn chirps in.

"Louis and Harry?" She looks over at us. She probably expects Louis to be with Eleanor and me to be either single or with some random model, since that is whom we have been portrayed to be with.

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