11: Kiss You

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[Continuing of last chapter]


"Truth or dare?"

"Truth." He answers looking like he is in another world and doesn't really pay attention.

This is the moment. I need to ask him now. If I want an answer I have to get out of my comfort-zone now. Oh God. I swallow deeply and take a deep breath before I ask my question. This is now or never.

"That time at the beach," I ask, he seems to have shaken out of his trance and nods. "were you going to kiss me?"

He moves his head so quickly it might as well have broken off. A giant lump form in my stomach. Oh God, wait no, I do not want to hear it.


Wait, what now?! Did he just say what I think he said or am I dreaming? I am pretty sure he said yes.

My eyes widen so much that my eyeballs have free space to jump right out of their place.

"Y-you were?" I stutter out not believing what I am hearing right now.

"I was." He answers looking down at his hands, where he is fiddling with his fingers.

The tensions builds up and none of us dare to say anything. I don't know if I should express my love for him now or?

But before I even can Louis stands up from the bed and runs out of the bus. My first instinct is to run after him, so that is exactly what I do. I rush out of the bus to see Louis about thirty meters from me, running in the direction of nowhere.

"Louis!" I shout as I run after him. He is a very quick runner so it takes a lot of effort for me to keep up with him. At one point he seems to be out of breath and tired of running because he collapses to the ground. But then I hear sobs coming out of his mouth and I gasp. I hurry to where he is sitting in the middle of large grass lawn.

I get to him and immediately get on my knees before I embrace him in a comforting hug. He puts his head in the crook of my neck, and I pat his shoulder while he sobs quietly.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here." I whisper in his ear.

After having pulled himself together a little, the sobs slowly dying out, he lifts his head up to look me in the eyes. We make eye contact and I cannot help but admire his beautiful ocean colored eyes. They shine brightly with the only other thing giving light is the moon and stars.

We sit there for a while just looking softly at each other, smiling, until Louis' smile turns into a frown.

"What?" I frown as well.

"I'm so sorry, Haz." He sniffs, and looks down again.

"For what?" I ask, genuinely not knowing what he means.

"For even wanting to kiss you. You must find me pathetic." He chuckles, but not with a happy reason. More like a sad one.

"Not at all," He looks up at me, hope clear in his eyes. I take a deep breath. "you know, I kinda wanna kiss you too." I scrunch my nose and we stare longingly at each other.

I do not just 'kinda' want to kiss Louis. I definitely a hundred percent want to kiss him.

"But maybe it was good that Zayn interrupted us," Louis speaks up, and my heart breaks a little at his words. "imagine what would have happened if he didn't. Maybe we would have regretted it afterwards."

Truth or dare? (L.S.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat