12: Taken

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Louis and I walk back to the bus. I'm more than tempted to reach down for his hand. But me being me, think that he will just be weirded out. So I resist my urge. Louis and I look up and smile at each other a couple of times.

We get inside the bus, and the conversational arguing from the other three immediately stops. They all turn to look at us, not saying anything. They keep staring at us until Louis speaks up. "So, I'm guessing Zayn told you."

None of them say anything but Niall and Liam nod their heads quickly up and down. Zayn gives an apologetical look, and mouths, "sorry."

I can't help but chuckle at the situation, which causes everyones eyes to point at me, and I blush, looking down.

"So um, I am, um, going to the bathroom." Niall stutters.

"Me too." Liam speaks up.

"Yeah I am also going...to the bathroom. Yeah." Zayn then says.

Suddenly they all run out of the bus.

"I don't know if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure the bathroom is inside the bus." Louis semi-yells but the boys are long gone already.

We both laugh and smile at each other for a while.

"I am gonna take a shower now. I feel dirty after sleeping outside all night." I smile and blush slightly at the memory.

"Okay. See ya Haz." Louis answers softly

I nod. Then I walk to the shower. I spend the whole time in the shower thinking about my situation with Louis. Oh God, how I want us to be more than friends. But unfortunately I don't think we are more than that right now.

[Night, truth or dare time]

"Truth or dare Harry?" Zayn asks.

"Dare." I answer since I'm kind of getting tired of truths.

"I dare you to kiss Louis." He smirks.

My eyes widen and I my cheeks turn a deep shade of red. I look over and make eye contact with Louis. He nods as a sign that it's okay, so I take a deep breath before I turn my body towards him. I scrape my butt over the floor, and I must look like I am a dog who's behind is itchy. Louis has turned towards me too, leaning back, his arms holding him up.

I suddenly must get a confidence boost, because I am somehow managing to replace my legs over each of Louis' and entwine them behind his back, so that I am now straddling him.

His mouth drops slightly open and I smile at him. We gaze at each other before I slowly move my lips closer and closer to him. I then move my hands up to cup his cheeks and he wraps his hands around the back of my neck. We smile one more time before both leaning in. My stomach does summersaults as our lips touch. This is now the third time Louis and I have kissed in 24 hours.

We keep our kiss short and innocent since there are watchers. We pull apart about 10 seconds later and smile deeply at each other. The other guys all mutter "Awww." in sync, which causes my cheeks to turn pink. I roll my eyes the three boys who is now pretending to be in love by making heart eyes.

"Nialler, truth or dare?"

Niall, Zayn and Liam laugh a little before he answers my question.


"Do you like someone right now?" I ask after contemplating my question.

"Hell na, the Irish meet is fresh on the table looking for a lucky fish in the water." Niall proudly announces, and the rest of us laugh.

Truth or dare? (L.S.)Where stories live. Discover now