10: Change My Mind

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We greet the cashier which is a teenage girl. She notices who we are and her eyes widen, before she lets out a quiet scream. We hug her, and take a photo with her before we pay and get inside. We get our ice skates on and then we walk outside to the ice.

I have never ice skated before so I do not think this will go very well. Luckily this is just with Louis and not for a music video or something. Hah, that would be horrible.

The place is not very crowded. There are about 10-15 people including us. I am very grateful for that since I am probably going to fall a thousand times.

As we get closer and closer to the ice I get more and more nervous. Louis must have seen it because he squeezes my arm in reassurance, and it helps.

We get to the ice and Louis rushes out on it. He skates around in circles and he's really good. He then notices that I am still standing put on the side, and skates to me smiling.

"Haz, for you to ice skate you need to be on the ice." And wow I just had a deja vu from when we went surfing. I shake my head out of the memory and take a deep breath. I am just about to put my first foot on the ice when I look up and see a kid falling on his stomach, and I quickly change my mind, and pull my foot up again.

Louis chuckles and gives me an adorable puppy look that I cannot resist. I take a deep breath again and this time manage to put my foot on the ice. Louis stretches his arm towards me, to hold on to for better balance, and I gladly except it. I then put my other foot on the ice. I am about to fall right there and then but Louis stops me by taking my other arm and holding behind my back. I get butterflies in my stomach by the touch.

Louis stands in front of me so I am looking at his back, or If I am being honest, his bum.

"Hold me around the waist." He directs me and my eyes widen as I blush. Fortunately Louis did not see that. However I do as told and put my rather big hands on his small rather feminine waist. He starts skating and pulls me with him. My feet do not move, because I know if they do I am going to fall down.

Louis skates around in circles for a couple of minutes before he turns to me. My hands do not let go of his waist as we are now face to face. We both blush at the position.

"You try now." Louis smiles and I quickly shake my head in pure fear.

"I know you can do it, come on." He says reassuringly and I give him a doubtful look. I do as he says however, and let go of his waist slowly.

I start walking on the ice. Not skating, walking. And it doesn't last long in until I loose my balance and trip backwards landing on my butt. I groan from the pain on my behind, but Louis just starts laughing loudly. I try glaring evilly but give up as it turns into a soft gaze instead.

He skates to me and gets behind me to try and pull me up again. But as I am almost up, I trip again, this time pulling Louis with me. We both land on the ice cold, hard surface, but start laughing somehow. Louis gets up after a little while of laughing and this time helps me all the way up.

"Thanks." I mumble embarrassed by what happened. Louis just chuckles and says "It could happen to anyone."

I roll my eyes playfully and say "Well, you could at least choose something we were both good at."

He chuckles and skates behind me. Before I can notice anything he pushes me from behind. I slowly start moving forward and my eyes widen.

"Louis! I can't do this! Stop." I say seriously, but laugh anyway. He keeps pushing me, and I am about to skate right into a lady. Milliseconds before we get to her I panic and end up turning so much to one side that I end up facing Louis. We both stumble to the ground once again.

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