I'm dealing with... confrontation

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A/N The eye above is a random eye I found online and edited to make it look like that, Man I love Ipiccy, I can do some cool stuff on there. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

Brent's P.O.V

Sighing in relief I stare at my surroundings in glee, a hundred or so bodies grinding and dancing to the sound of music so loud it might just burst my eardrums. Looking over at Dean who left his jacket in the car and is now in a tight fitting black shirt and jeans, I feel something in me shiver. Smiling I lean slightly towards him, "Hey Dean, having fun?"

He looks over at me and takes a sip of the glass of alcohol he's had six of already. "I'm great, but you still haven't answered my question?"

Frowning I tilt my head, "What was your question? I don't think I heard it before."

He shakes his head and chuckles, the alcohol obviously loosening him up. "Why are we here?"

Nodding I smile, "Ah, well, we are here... to discover just what is going on with us."

He frowns and looks at me, "What...? I don't know what you mean?"

Shaking my head I down the last of my scotch and set the glass down, shedding my jacket I look over the bar and at the familiar Bartender, "Hey Sasha, you mind holding onto this for awhile."

She shrugs and takes the jacket and hangs it up, "Sure thing Brent, just don't forget it this time. Or I'll add it to my wardrobe."

Narrowing my eyes I stand up and take Dean's drink from him, setting it down I grab his wrist and pull him up. "Come on Deano, let's see what you can do."

His eyes widen and I yank him towards the dance floor, pushing my way through the crowd until we're in the center I immediately sway to the music. It's upbeat and techno but still seems sensual at the same time. turning around while I dance I look at Dean whose kinda frozen in place, I sigh and kinda slide towards him, smooth and slow. Laying my hands on his shoulders I keep moving with the music. Leaning close I get close to his ear, "Try to copy me, just let yourself relax, feel the vibrations in the floor, feel the heat, the music, the movements. Don't think, just act."

His body begins to slowly relax and he starts to mimic my movements, albeit clumsier and tenser, but slowly he starts to get it. His hands, much to my shock, slide onto my waist and I look up at him as pulls us closer, our bodies moving as one unit to the music. Swallowing he leans forward and crashes his lips onto mine, at first he's fast, rough and tense as if to release the pent up anger from before. But then, as I go along he slows down, and it becomes indescribable, my body feels as though it's on fire, my mind is whirling and my thoughts are fuzzy. When he pulls back to breathe my eyes open and my mind is a mess. I look at him and he has stopped moving, and it takes a second to realize I have too. My arms are now wrapped around his neck and his arms have encircled my waist, pulling me impossibly closer. I can feel him pressed against my thigh and I am most definitely pressed against his. "Motel?"

I don't even know who said it, but he nods so I assume I did, and he pulls me towards the bar, Sasha must have seen us coming and holds out my jacket. She winks at me as I grab the jacket and Dean quickly pulls me towards the exit, my mind fuzzy the entire time. Once we get to the parking lot by an alley Dean quickly veers off the path and pushes me against the wall of the alley. He crashes his lips against mine, hungry and rough, bruising and intense, but I kissing back with just as much ferocity, his tongue licks its way into my mouth and I don't even try to play coy as we explore each other's mouths and bodies. His hands have slipped up the front of my shirt, tracing every muscle and scar on my torso, gripping and pulling on my nipples, turning them into hard nubs, and eliciting almost growl like sounds from my body. Every once in awhile his hand gropes me through my jeans and I grind down into his palm.

My hands trail the muscles of his back, his muscles quiver and tense beneath my touch as goosebumps rise. One of my hands trails to his front and slides down his chest and I grip him tightly through his jeans, causing him to groan and pull away with a dirty sounding moan. My eyes open and I look up at him with heavy pants leaving my strained lungs, "Why'd you stop?"

Dean tilts his head and licks his lips, "Not here, not in a dingy alley."

Moving closer I lean into him and my lips brush his ear, "Then what are we waiting for?"

"Yeah... what are you waiting for Brent?"

My head snaps towards the sound of the voice and I spot several figures standing there, Dean steps slightly in front of me and glares at them. "How do you know Brent?"

I suddenly smell something familiar, and I whisper to Dean. "Dean... sulfur."

He nods and the head demon steps forward. "You are going to cure us now or..."

Two demons suddenly appear and push my back before grabbing Dean and subduing him. One immediately holds a knife to his throat and my eyes widen. "We'll kill lover boy here."

Turning my head towards the demon I glare, "Let him go!"

"Can I please kill these assholes, they're going to kill him!"

Seething I shake my head, "No, Dean doesn't know about you."

The head Demon growls and steps forward, and I finally see him truly. His body is pale, and black sludge is sliding from his eyes and mouth, obviously slower than the others before him. "You did this, cure us or watch Dean Winchester die, it's that simple!"

His voice is desperate and I look towards Dean who is staring at me confused, "What are they talking about Brent? What did you do?"

The Demon chuckles and looks at Dean, "You don't know, your boyfriend here poisoned Demonkind, now any Demon infected dies a slow painful death."

Dean turns his head and glares at the Demon, "Sounds like a good thing to me! You can all rot for all I care! Let go of me!"

The knife dips into his skin and I hear him hiss, "Would you rather him be dead, or mad at you!"

Growling I glare at the Demon, "Fine, I'll do it. Just... hold on."

"All yours."


Dean's P.O.V

The air changes suddenly, like a heavy weight landed on my shoulders. I look at Brent as a laugh starts to come from him, it sounds dark and hollow, good, and evil and I feel a shiver of fear coil up my spine. His head lifts and I see his eyes, my heart sinks and despair fills my heart. "No... Nononono, you..."

Brent doesn't seem to hear me and looks around at the Demons, "So you want the cure to your disease huh? What did you hope to accomplish, coming here, threatening the one we care for most, did you think we would cower..."

The demons holding me suddenly disappear and appear next to their leader, all of them gasping and falling to their knees. "Did you think we would help you after you threatened us, and after everything you did, you dare demand a cure... well, we'll give it to you."

The ground starts to shake the Demons scream as light burns through them, I look from them to Brent whose hand is outstretched towards them, a small smile playing on his lips. Looking back to the demons they suddenly disappear in a cloud of dust. Leaving nothing left of them, the only thing showing that they were ever here, the cut on my neck, and Brent, looking at me with the same eyes he described to me that he saw as a kid. Brent or... whatever he is, looks at me and I can see the fear in his strange eyes. "Dean I..."

I shake my head and back up a step, "What are you?"

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