I'm dealing with... Waking up

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Hey my little Demons and Warriors, did you like that first chapter... I decided to write that a bit different and that is only the beginning, I hope you guys enjoy this story. Anyway, I'll le t you guys start reading what you really came for, which is definitely not the rambling of a anxious author who doesn't know how people will react to this rewrite... and would very much appreciate it if you guys would inform him what you thought. Hehe... anyway... enjoy...

Btw, the adorable creature I used for the picture is Lily, Brent's cat, and my cat in real life. I couldn't resist adding her into the story.

Brent's P.O.V

Swallowing a huge gulp of air, my heart hammers in my already crushingly tight chest, and tears fall from my eyes like a waterfall of pain. Desperately trying to steady my jack hammer of a heart and my labored breathing, I quickly reach over to my nightstand to grab my inhaler and take two puffs. Immediately my breathing slows allowing my heart to follow suit and I simply sob as the sun slowly peaks through the curtains. A soft meow from the entrance of my room causes a smile to rise against my wishes and suddenly I feel a warm creature brushing against my hands. Lifting my head I chuckle at the sight of my black and white spotted cat sitting on my lap and staring at me with a pair of inquisitive eyes. Letting out a shaky breath I smile, "I'm okay Kitten, I'm fine... I just... I need to get up anyway."

Her little head tilts to the left and she meows, and for a second I swear there is doubt behind it, causing me chuckle at my own imagination. Rubbing the side of her head softly, I pull my hand back and slide out of bed. Clenching my toes in the warm carpet beneath my feet, I almost wish I didn't have to go into the bathroom, but I do and I shiver as the cold tiles greet my feet. Turning the light on I squint in pain as the light blinds me for a few moments, until my eyes adjust to the sudden change. Lugging myself over to the sink I lean against it using my hands on either side of the acrylic surface. Slowly raising my head I look at my disheveled appearance and sigh, "After fifteen years, I'm still having nightmares."

Sighing deeper I rub my tired eyes and stare at my dark circles and age marks that easily shows how much sleep I get and stress I feel. Slipping out of my black pajama pants I turn on the shower and wait for it to heat up and then step in. Using the small suction cups on the curtain to secure it to the shower walls I turn the water heat up farther until it feels like fire on my body. Sighing in relief as it hits my aching muscles I turn around and let the lava water caress my heavily scarred back. Doctors say that eighty-five percent of my back is covered in scar tissue, and that no matter what the pain will stay, the aching, throbbing and sometimes stinging pain that came with the whippings of my childhood master. Rolling my shoulders, I rotate my neck and sigh as the throbbing starts to slowly dissipate. My chest and legs are less scarred but still are, several large jagged scars litter my chest, most from knives being dragged across the surface of my skin, or being plunged into it as punishment.

As for what happened to him, my master, I actually have no idea. I don't really care to find out, all I know is I built myself up so no one will ever hurt me again. Several years of Jujutsu, and Taekwondo, and now I defend myself, I keep myself safe, and I make sure that no one will ever own me again. Washing my body clean, I run my hair under the water and groan in relief as the water runs over my face. My hair drapes down my face, and I can't be bothered by it as the water melts all the stress in my body. The sides and back of my head are cut short, maybe an inch, because I can't stand it when my hair covers my ears. Scrubbing my hair clean with my twenty dollar shampoo and conditioner, I rinse it out and shut the water off. Unlatching the curtain from the shower walls, I reach out and grab my towel and do a quick dry off in the shower before hopping out and brush my teeth. Rinsing out my mouth with mouthwash, I wipe off the mirror and smile at my reflection and smile. My face before and after a shower could seriously be a before and after add for makeup, shaking my head I snatch up my second towel and start scrubbing my hair dry until it falls to the side in damp waves.

Rushing out of my bathroom I look at my alarm cloak and shake my head a the time, six fifty-two, "I bought that thing so I wouldn't oversleep, now it's just a clock without the need of the alarm. "

Chuckling as I walk over to my closest, a small bundle of fur brushes past my legs into the closet ahead of me. Turning on the light I stare at my walk in closet in exasperation, "Now I have to decide what to wear, do I go comfortable? Or do I go professional?"

Looking down at the small bundle of fur circling my legs and purring loudly I sigh, "What do you think Lily, comfortable or professional?"

She stops her pacing , looks up at my face and meows. Chuckling I shake my head and move over to the left side of my closet. "Comfortable it is then."

Snatching up a pair of blue bikini brief underwear, I let my towel drop and pull them on. Sifting through a few pairs of pants, I quickly pull on a pair of black denim ripped jeans and a white tight fit V-neck, before snatching up my black jacket that looks leather, but has a thin cotton lining and two cotton cuffs, and is made of fake leather. Pushing up the sleeves so they rest just below my elbows, and then with quick movements I pull on a pair of white socks, and then snatch up Lily, causing her to meow at the sudden movement. Holding her in my left arm I bend down and grab my black and white vans, dropping the left one I stand up and bend my leg up and pull on the right shoe. Switching Lily to my right arm I bend down and snatch up the left one and repeat the process. Looking at my outfit in my body height mirror I nod in satisfaction and turn off the light to the closet

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