I'm dealing with... A hospital bed

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Brent's P.O.V

"So wait... every monster I've ever heard of is real, Werewolves, Vampires, Demons... all of them?"

Sam and Dean both nod and I rub my forehead, "And you two are not actually partners, instead you're brothers... who hunt these monsters?"

Again they nod and I feel a dull throb begin to form in the back of my skull, "God I can feel a headache forming..."

Shaking my head I groan, "I'm not sure if I should commit myself or commit the two of you."

I hear them both chuckle and I look at Dean with an tired glare, "And that thing... the Wendigo, it was the thing that clawed you up so badly?"

Dean nods, "Yeah, we were tracking it to it's lair when it got the jump on us, it dragged me towards the edge of the woods and was going to finish me off, but I got loose, I tried to fight back but it got a few good scratches in before Sam shot a few rounds into it. I don't think Sam saw me on the ground as the thing ran off, so he chased after the thing and I crawled my way over to the nearest house, which just so happened to be yours."

Sam sighs and nods, "I didn't see him, I thought it had brought him to it's lair and then came back for me. It didn't even occur to me that it was just planning on killing Dean, so I chased it back to its lair, couldn't find Dean and left. I think it had to lick it's wounds and didn't want to risk attacking me, but I think it marked us and tracked us when it was ready."

Groaning I nod, "Yeah, my house is living proof of that."

Both of them shrug and I let out an annoyed breath, "The doctor says I have a broken Femur and Radius, he says I'll have to stay here for a few days. I know you both have a job to do, but can you stay at my house for a few days and take care of Lily for me?"

Sam looks ready to object but Dean buts in, "Sure, we could use a small break anyway. It'll give us an actual place to sleep that doesn't smell like cheap booze and sex, not that that's a bad thing."

Shaking my head I chuckle, and I look over at Sam. "Thank you, both of you. Come back here and visit me okay? I'll die of boredom if you don't."

They both nod and Sam gets up, he shares a look with Dean for a second before leaving the room. Dean sighs and looks at me, "I'm sorry about this Brent, you got caught in our work and you shouldn't have."

Shaking my head I laugh, "Dean, you saved my life. You could have easily run when the Wendigo attacked, but you got me into another room and made sure I was okay."

He shakes his head, "No, you shouldn't have even been involved, I should have..."

I smack his arm with my good hand and roll my eyes, "Should have what? Died out there, if you hadn't found your way to my patio, you would have died. I saved you, and then you saved me."

Dean sighs and rubs a hand down his face, when he looks back up at me he's got a smirk on his face, but I can tell it's fake. "Yeah, well... you get some rest. I'll stay here tonight, make sure you don't go stir crazy."

Smirking I grab the remote for the TV with my good hand and turn the TV on, "Sounds good, now Dean... what do you wanna watch?"

Dean quickly turns the chair he's in so his body is facing the TV  like my bed and snatches the remote from my hand, "Oh you are so gonna regret asking me that!"

Rolling my eyes I rest my arm cast on my stomach and cross my good leg over the one with the cast, bringing my good arm up, I rest it under my head and stare at the TV with a content smile, "Nah, I don't think so..."

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