I'm dealing with... a motel room

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Brent's P.O.V

"I'm disgusted by this... I'm afraid to even touch that bed Dean. I did not spend the last few days in the back seat of the Impala with you farting every ten minutes cause of your "Hearty Meals" to get HIV from a mattress."

I throw my hand towards the mattress with several white blotches on the sheets and look back at Dean who simply shrugs and moves to put his stuff down on a very strange stain on the floor,and I nearly run over to stop him. I shake my head and open the door back up while Sam simply stands by the table with an amused smile on his face, "I refuse... I fucking refuse, turn that key back in, and get "your" money back, and I will direct you to the motel we will be staying at."

Dean quickly opens his mouth to argue but I glare, and his mouth snaps closed before he quickly walks by me and towards the front lobby. Smirking at him as he leave I turn towards Sam who has an eyebrow raised, I shrug, "What?! This place is disgusting, I may be technically homeless now, but I have standards."

He chuckles and picks up his duffel from the table, "I'm just glad you said something, cause Dean has no problem staying in places like these... where a stain could be carrying something..."

Shivering I chuckle and step out the door, "Don't worry, we won't be staying in a place like this, and if Dean has a problem with it, I did get my property coverage check yesterday and I will happily pay for the motel room we will be staying in."

He shrugs and moves towards me, then steps out the door. Shutting the door behind me without another glance at the disgusting room I step into stride with Sam and sigh. "So what are we hunting, it sounds like a regular old werewolf, but you both seem unsure."

He sighs and looks at a newspaper that he's been holding for the last hour, then hands it over to me. I slowly take it from his hand and see the picture in the article, my stomach churns and I hand it back to him. "So mauled to death, not a Werewolves MO, they just rip the heart out. So what... Skinwalker?"

Sam shakes his head, "I don't know, it's weird, they drain them of blood and then eat the heart, it's like it's a Vampire and Werewolf are working together."

I purse my lips and push open the exit door and hold it open for Sam, "That doesn't make sense, from what I've learned, Vampires and Werewolves naturally hate each other, that's one of the few things that all those movies got right."

Sam nods, "They do, so I'm not understanding what this monster is."

Chuckling I shrug, "Maybe it's both, a Werepyre..."

Sam stops and gives me a unimpressed look, I simply shrug and hop into the backseat of the car of the Impala and look at Dean who is already in the front seat. "What do you think Dean, are we hunting a Werepyre?"

Dean smirks and nods, "I was just thinking the same thing, come on Sammy, you know you wanna say it."

Sammy just shakes his head and looks back at me, "Where are we going?"

I smirk, "Three blocks north of here."

Sam looks back at me with a confused look but I simply smirk, Dean shrugs and starts driving while I lean back and close my eyes. I only open them again when the car stops and I feel two pairs of eyes on me, looking at the motel I smirk, "Motel six, the best motel in this part of Ohio."

Dean shakes his head and steps out of the car, I sigh and slide out of my side with Sam close behind. Grabbing my duffel from the floor of the back seat I sling it over my shoulder and move towards the motel. Stepping into the lobby I step up to the front desk with Sam and Dean standing behind me, I look at the man behind the desk and immediately get red flags by the way he's looking at me. Smirking I lean against the counter and stare the thirty-ish man in the eyes, his hair is short, spiked in the front and a deep black color. His eyes are a rich light blue with flakes of green and his body is well toned, easily noticeable by his tight black polo shirt and dark blue jeans. "I'd like a room for me and my two coworker's here, is there any available?"

I see him shiver slightly before typing something into the computer next to him before looking back to me, "We have one, two kings and a pull out, it's one twenty-five a night."

Dean chokes slightly and I look back at him, I tilt my head and silently tell him to shush. Turning back to the man behind the counter I lean forward and smile, "Come on, there has to be a way to make it a bit cheaper right?"

He clears his throat and shakes his head, "I'm sorry... it's the price."

His voice is a little shaky and I place two fingers on his hand, and draw a few patterns. I look up at him through my lashes and smiles slightly "Are you sure?"

He swallows and nods, "I'm sure... I.."

Pulling him forward slowly I bring my lips to the right side of his head and my breath ghosts over his ear, whispering so quietly that Sam and Dean don't hear me I pull back and look the man in the eyes. His eyes are blown wide and he shakily grabs the key and hands it to me, I smile and trail my hand from his forearm to his palm before I slowly take the key from his palm. Winking at him, he smiles in response, "Room thirty-two, on me..."

He clears his throat and I smirk, "Thanks..."

Turning back towards Dean and Sam they are both staring at me with wide eyes, I tilt my head in amusement and shrug my shoulders with a smirk on my face, "Let's go."

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