I'm dealing with... Vampires

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Brent's P.O.V

Sam and Dean left three weeks, the got in their car and left with a quick goodbye and a promise to stay in touch, and I was left with a sinking feeling and a broken arm and leg.

That was three weeks ago, I've heard from them once since then. Apparently, they found their father and found out that Vampires are still around and all of my fantasies about them being smoking hot and well... that's actually all I thought about them. That kinda just flew out the window when they sent me a picture of one of their decapitated heads, I resisted the urge to throw up that day. I have a strong stomach and that was horrible, apparently, they need me to do research on vampires. Their father left shortly after they found him, and I could hear the pain in Dean's voice, he tried to hide it but... I've had to hide the pain in my voice for years that I've become kinda good at hearing it in other people. Maybe... I should find a way to get them to come back for awhile, I think they could use a break.

Sighing I shut my journal and place my pen down next to it, flexing my freshly healed arm I sit up and lay my hand down on Lily, who is fast asleep in my lap. Her head snaps up and a sleepy meow escapes her before she yawns and leaps off my lap, sniffs the air and hisses before darting off to a hiding area of hers, frowning I stand up and stretch my leg which is also out of its cast, "I'm really hoping this weak feeling in my arm and leg don't last."

Looking towards the clock I groan, "It's only six thirty, what am I supposed to do for the next four hours?"

"I can think of something."

Spinning around my heart starts beating frantically and I stare at the three woman right in front of me, leaning back against my desk I hit the speed dial for Dean behind my back and laugh nervously. "Sorry ladies, you're not my type."

The one with long brown hair glares and moves forward, her head tilts to the left and a smirk spreads across her face. "Oh please..."

I hear Dean's slightly quiet voice and I quickly talk over him, "What do you want?"

She places a hand on my chest and I shiver in disgust as she trails it up my stomach, "I don't want anything from you, all you have to do... is be BAIT!"

With speed I didn't know she had, she whips my head to the side and her teeth are latched into my neck. A scream leaves my lips before I can stop it and I feel my body start to weaken as I get colder and colder until finally, darkness envelops me. 

Dean's P.O.V

Slamming the phone shut I curse loudly, "GODDAMNIT!!"

"What happened Dean?"

Turning around I start heading towards Baby, "Brent's been taken, he called me when it happened and from what I heard, it sounded a lot like Kate!"

Sam is on my heels and is in the passenger seat before I'm even behind the wheel, "How the hell did they even find him?! Let alone even know about him?!"

I start up Baby and pull out onto the Highway, "I don't know... maybe they smelt him on us, they can track people based on scent forever. Maybe because we were around him so long..."

Sam sighs, "They caught his scent and decided to use him as bait to get to us."

Grinding my teeth I slam my hand against the wheel and step on the gas, "If Kate wanted to get us to come after her, she did a good job. I'm not gonna let him die."

I can feel Sam's eyes on me but I simply focus on driving, and how I'm gonna kill Kate the first chance I get.

Brent's P.O.V

A headache is what wakes me up, the dull kind of headache, the one you get right as you're finally getting over a handover, but your head is still throbbing. Opening my eyes I resist the urge to slam them closed again at the bright lights all around me. Four people are standing in front of me, one of them the woman that bit me, groaning I glare at her and shift in the chair I'm tied to. "You know, I'm not into bondage... or Necrophilia."

The woman steps forward and backhands me, and my head flies to the left from the impact. She grips my chin and forces me to look at her, "Shut up! I don't have the patience to deal with an annoying blood sack. The only reason you're still alive is that the Winchesters are more than likely on their way and I need you as leverage."

Glaring I shake my face from her grip and glare at her, "I've legit only known them for three weeks, they aren't gonna come save me."

Ignoring a swell of pain in my chest after I say that I smirk when she squints at me, she growls, turns away and crosses her arms. "That's what you think... but they'll come, and then they'll pay for killing Luther."

Rolling my eyes I wiggle my fingers until they're just underneath the small arm brace that I still use and mentally cheer when I feel my small pocket knife. Slowly pulling it out of the brace and clutch it in my hand, and wait for the opportunity to actually start using it. 

Sam's P.O.V

Staring at the house when we pull up to it I can already tell something is off by the fact that the front door is open before I can even say anything Dean is already out of the car and sprinting towards the house. Hopping out of the car I quickly follow him and catch up with little effort and I stop when seeing the inside. It's completely destroyed, it doesn't look like there was a struggle, it just looks like they tore up the place like they were looking for something. Sighing I look towards Dean who is staring at something in Brent's room, moving towards him I frown, "What is it, Dean?"

Stepping around him my eyes land on the wall, written in blood is a message. And I can't help but read it out loud, "Come and watch him die Winchesters."

Dean is practically radiating rage and then he sees something further in the room that drains it out of him, and my eyes spot it not a second later. It's Lily, her tiny body lying on the ground several feet away from her head. Letting out a sigh I look at Dean who is back to radiating anger, and when he looks at me I can see the murder in his eyes. "I'm gonna kill em, Sammy, I'm gonna tear em to pieces!"

Nodding I place a hand on his shoulder, feeling my anger build too. "And I'll help you... but first, we gotta find them, and save Brent."


Sorry about the wait my little Demons and Warriors, I've been in the hospital. I was at work and bent down to pick up a crate filled with wine bottles, felt a pop in my spine and collapsed in agony. I know... I sound like I'm like eighty, but in all seriousness, apparently I have something called a slipped disk and from what my Dad told me it's very common in our family. So I'm not allowed to work for at least two weeks, not my decision, that is my bosses decision. If it were up to me I would be back at work, cause hey... I need the money. But no, I am currently sitting on my couch typing this with ice packs lining the entirety of my spine, held in place by a wrap and several different prescribed painkillers. SO fun... Anyhooters, that's about it, I'm gonna go lay down now. I'll update soon I promise, until next time my little Demons and Warriors, Buh Bye :)

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