I'm dealing with... Holy water

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I'm not sure if you all guessed, but Elijah is portrayed by none other than Daniel Gillies, or Elijah Mikaelson from the Originals. I don't own the show, or him, I wish I did cause yummy... but that's beside the point. I know it would have made more sense to make him a vampire but... I needed a demon, and I just finished watching the latest episode of Season five of the Originals sooo.... sue me... actually don't do that.

Brent's P.O.V

Coughing I feel the black smoke leave me slowly but surely, and I can't help but let out a huge sigh of relief when I finally control everything again. Blinking a few times I stare at the body in front of me and watch as he slowly stands up. The guy is very attractive, strong jaw, nice plump lips... I would try to get with him if I knew he wasn't possessed by a demon, or dead. I look around the morgue I'm in and shiver, "Do you really have to do that, he could have a family, what if someone he knows sees him?"

He rolls his shoulder and fixes the black tie around his neck, he smirks and shrugs, "I'll kill them."

Rolling my eyes I shake my head, "No, you won't."

He sighs starts patting down the black coat he's in and fixes the sleeves, "Fine, but you should really lighten up, you're never gonna get with Dean if you're such a prude."

Blushing I glare at him, "I don't want to get with Dean."

He raises an eyebrow and smirks, "You can lie to yourself all you want, but I've been in that head of yours, I know all of your little thoughts and feelings..."

Shaking my head I grimace, "See, that's creepy... and even if I did, he's straight. That's that, now... let's go."

Scoffing he crosses his arms and looks at me confused, "What do you mean let's go, that powerful friend of yours got rid of the Geotics... I'm the new baddy in their stead. I've got a small part of hell to rule."

Chuckling I step towards him, "Oh no you don't... see, you used my body as a vessel, used me to kill multiple store owners, and a few others that didn't deserve it."

Talking another step forward him I tilt my head, "So you... are going to help me."

He chuckles and shakes his head, "No I'm not, you're human, it's your counterpart that has the power."

Smirking I step within touching distance of him, "Are you sure about that."

Placing my palm flat on his chest his entire body freezes, I tilt my head and feel a warmth spread from my fingers and into him. He gasps when I pull my hand back and then looks at me with wide eyes. "What did you do?"

Chuckling I shrug, "Oh nothing really, just put a little poison in you."

His hand attaches to my throat but I smirk, "I wouldn't do that, I'm the only one that can cure you."

He glares before slowly letting go, "What kind of poison?"

I shrug, "One that will kill you very slowly and painfully, it will slowly eat away at you until there is nothing left."

His face pales and he lets out a shaky breath, "What do you want?"

TIlting my head slightly I smile, "I just want you to go to the underworld, get some information for me."

He narrows his eyes and lifts his head slightly, "What kind of information?"

"Information on me, or rather, the thing inside me. I want you to ask around, see what people know about the black and white-eyed creature. I can't stand not knowing, so find out what it is."

He nods stiffly, "And if I do this, you'll take the poison out?"

Nodding I cross my arms, "Yes, I'll give you the antidote when you have information that's worth my time."

He nods and disappears, shaking my head I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts until I land on a familiar name. Pressing dial I bring it to my ear and when he answers I put as much fear as I can fake into my voice, "Hello?"

"Dean... I, I don't know where I am... I just woke up in this place... and I don't know how I got here!"

"Brent calm down, can you tell me where you are?"

"No no, I don't... wait..."

Spotting a sign outside the morgue I frown, "I'm in... Cincinnati Ohio?... How the hell did I get here?"

"You're in Cincinnati? Don't worry, I'll be there soon! Okay?"

Smiling I sigh, "Okay, I'll just... wait at a local diner, and Dean..."



I hear him chuckle and I smile, "No problem."

Several hours later...

Glancing down at the drink in front of me I sigh, "I've been here for hours, and they aren't here yet."

"You're really impatient."

I feel something cold slide down my back and feel it soak my shirt, rolling my eyes I turn my head and look up at Dean as he smirks down at me. "Really... did you have to do that?"

He chuckles and I can see the relief in his eyes, "Had to make sure."

I nod and my eyes follow Dean as he sits in the seat across from me at the booth, I frown and tilt my head, "Where's Sam?"

Dean shrugs, "Back in the southern part of Indiana, probably finishing up the hunt we were on. Just a vengeful spirit, nothing major."

Nodding I smile, "Good, can we go please... I'll explain what I remember while we're on the road okay?"

He sighs and nods, "Sure, the quicker we get back the better."

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