Be Nice (Billy Batson)

Start from the beginning

I think it over for a minute but ignore his question. "Hello..... ahhh..... what's your name again?" I ask him with a sweet smile.

"B-billy! Billy Batson!" He says with a small smile.

My smile spreads on my face as I remember him from school. "Nice to meet cha Billllly!" I say flirtouissly. A small smile tugs on Bruce's lips as I feel Dick's eyes burn into Billy and me. "Da! El estate unul dintre tipii draguti de la scoala!" (Yes! He is one of those cute guys from school!) I answer him with a smirk.

"Umm..... W-what? What did you s-say?" Billy asks nervously.

I smile as I walk up closer to him. I lean towards him so my nose almost rubs against his. "I called you cute my dragoste!" (Love) I say in a flirty tone.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Robin says dragging me back by my collar. Batman smirks, knowing what I said and at Dick's protectiveness.

"I'm going now! Try not to kill Billy!" Batman asks, still smirking.

"No promises!" Dick mumbles, causing the whole team to laugh as Billy gulps nervously.

"Don't listen to him dragoste! (Love) He won't hurt you!" I reassure the new kid.

"O-okay!" He says with another gulp.

"Can you let me go Robineto?" I ask sweetly.

"Fine!" He grumbles as he let's me go. "I'm watching you!" He warns Billy before leaving the room.

"YOU SAID YOU'D BACK OFF!" I yell after him.

"FINE!" He yells back.

The team laughs at us before Wally says "Your flirting is going to kill him!"

Smiling, I answer back. "Probably! But hey! If Batsy brings me a hot new team mate, I'm going to flirt!" I say with a wink sent Billy's way.

Billy's P.O.V.

"I want to give you a warning before you meet the Team." Batman says in his monotones voice.

"Sure thing Bat!" I say happily.

"Robin's little sister, H/N, is on the Team......" he starts off. A blush spreads on my face at the thought of meeting my crush. Ya, I don't know her but she's pretty cute. "....... and he's super protective of her too so watch out." He warns.

"I'll be careful!" I tell him. He turns around and walks through the zedi tube and I fallow close behind.

"Batman 002, Shazam B-0010!" The computer announces. Walking in I scan over the faces in the room. I put names to faces and make a quick note of where Robin and H/N are.

"Personana iubita!" (Loved one) H/N screams with a huge smile on her face as she runs up to Batman. She hugs him as he smiles at her and hugs back. Everyone but Robin looks shocked at their actions.

"Hello H/N!" Batman days back with a small smile.

The guy with gills - Kaldur I think speaks up.  "No matter how many times I see this happen, I'll never get use to seeing THE Batman smile!"

Batman's smile falls before he says "Guys, I would like you to meet your new team meet, Shazam or a.k.a Billy Batson." Everyone's eyes look of me but H/N's eyes seem to linger on me longer. Nervous and a happy fuzzy feeling fills my stomach.

"Stii cine e?" (Do you know who he is?) Robin says. I look towards him for a minute, not sure if he actually said something or if he just sneezed or something. A smile crawls on H/N faces as she steps closer to me.

"Hello..... ahhh..... what's your name again?" She asks cutely.

I look over her quickly before answering. Her black skirt comes to mid thigh as she wears a black shirt with it to. There's a domino mask covering her eyes which I can only image being E/C. Her H/C hair hangs loosely around her. "B-Billy! Billy Batson!" I stutter nervously.

"Nice to meet cha Billllly!" She says, dragging out my name. That fuzzy feeling hits me again at the way she says my name. Robin glares at me as H/N keeps smiling at me. "Da! El estate unul dintre tipii draguti de la scoala!" (Yes! He is one of those cute guys from school!) Her sweet voice says.

"Umm..... W-what? What did you s-say?" I ask confused.

H/N makes quick work and ends up standing in front of me. She's so closer that her warm breath fans on my face. "I called you cute my dragoste!" (Love) She says, both confusing me more and making me feel special.

Walking up behind H/N, Robin pulls her away from me before screaming. "THAT'S ENOUGH!"

Walking away Batman yells over his shoulder. "I'm going now! Try not to kill Billy!" He says in a joking tone.

"No promises!" Robin replies annoyed and a little angry.

"Don't listen to him dragoste! (Love) He won't hurt you!" H/N says, still filtering.

Oh my god! THE H/N is flirting with me! I think to myself. "O-okay!" I answer, gulping nervously.

"Can you let me go Robineto?" She says in a tone that reminds me of a little kid.

"Fine!" He mumbles. "I'm watching you!" He warns me with slit eyes.

"YOU SAID YOU'D BACK OFF!" H/N says as he leaves the room.

There's a moment of silence before he calls back. "FINE!"

A smile cracks on Wally's face before he says "You're flirting is going to kill you!"

Another cute smile appears on H/N's face as she talks back. "Probably! But hey! If Batsy brings me a hot new team mate, I'm going to flirt!" She turns towards me, sending me a wink. A nervously laugh as everyone smiles at me.

"You've really rubbed off on her!" Artemis says with a smile.

"Ya....... Rob is going to kill me!" Wally says back.

"Hey! Robineto can get over it! This hot stuff is alllll mine!" She says, dragging out the 'all'.

"Umm..... w-what?" I asks confused and nervous again. She runs a hand up and down my arm as she purrs out at me. She stops and then starts laughing.

"Okay! I promise I'm not this flirty when it comes to guys!" She says with a dark red dusting her cheeks.

"You're cute when you blush!" I say before I can stop myself. Her blush darkens at my words as a blush spreads on my face too. "I'm- I'm sorry! That- that was weird!" I stutter out.

"N-no! No! I-i was being creepy! I'm sorry!" She apologizes back.

"Oh my god! You guys are so cute together!" Megan yells happily. She hugs both of us together as our blushes darken.

"I'm really sorry! I don't know what got into me!" She apologizes again.

"Nah! It's okay! I'm not usually this nervous around girls! But it's probably because of how cute you are!" I tell her with a smile.

"W-welcome to the team!" She says with a bigger blush spreading on her face.

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