548 30 13

27 January

Namjoon Pov

We heard a blood curdling scream come from the kitchen.

I was the first person who began to run towards the location.

The door opened and I stepped inside the room.

The light was off.

I tried to switch it back on but it refused to do so.

"Taehyung", I call into the darkness. I have to know he's okay.

"Hyung", I hear him call out.

"Did the light just flicker off?", I ask.

"Y-Yeah. I was with Jin and as soon as he tried to text Jimin, the light turned off".

I could hear him sniffling. He was crying.

"Where's Jin now?", I ask panic arising.

"I don't know", he replied quietly in a squeak.

"Let's just hope nothing happ-", I was interrupted. The light turned back on.

I noticed Taehyung in the corner, cowering in fear. Poor guy.

This experience was terrifying. I'm just glad that nobody has died yet.

All the members run over to Taehyung to comfort him. I decide to examine the room as we were playing a detective game.

I looked up at the cabinets. Nothing seemed to be out of place or touched. I examined the light switch. Nothing trip wired.

How the heck can we solve this mystery if we have no clues?

"Namjoon hyung, what are you doing?", Jungkook walks over and asks me.

"Searching for clues", I reply.

"I'll help", he says as walks over to the pantry.

I began inspecting the floor and noticed that there was little blood on the ground. It's still wet so it must have been recently. Next to the blood was some black hair.

Just as I was going to throughly examine this evidence, Jungkook calls out to everyone.

"Guys, I've got news", he says in a whimper.

"Good I hope", Yoongi says while looking down.

"No...", Jungkook trails off.

I quickly made my way to the pantry to see the 'bad news'.

It can't be...

No way...

Anything but this...

"Guys... how do I say this...?"

"We have run out of snacks", I exclaim.

"Don't scare us like that Namjoon", Hoseok says on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry, I don't get what was wrong Jungkook-", I turn around becoming instantly faced with what Jungkook was shaken up about.

I'm sorry Jin hyung. I couldn't do anything.

Why is he apologising?

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