661 38 12

27 January

Seokjin POV

The lights turned on after a couple of minutes which seemed like months.
I just stayed lying down in my bed trying to get to sleep until I heard a ringtone from my  phone.

The message was strange.
It said that I have to participate in a game and my role is Colonel Ketchup.

So strange.

And if I don't participate then I'll be executed. Looks like I have no choice.

I exit my room and walk down the corridor to Yoongi's room. I knock on his door. No answer. I knock again. No answer.

So I opened the door to see that he was not in his room anymore. I walk down to Hoseok's room though the same happened again. They were nowhere to be seen.

Crap! Where can they be? I don't want to be alone during this.
I race downstairs hoping to find someone.

The sitting room door was left ajar. I walk over and glance inside the room. Nobody.

Is this house empty?

I search throughout the whole house. The only thing that I noticed was that the kitchen door was locked. I decided to kick the door down.

After sometime I could finally enter the room. There I see a shivering Taehyung alone.

"Hyung!", he says as he looks up. He runs over to me and hugs me. I notice from his blotchy eyes that he had been crying a lot.

"What's wrong?", I ask him, patting his head.
"It's Jimin", he replies crying even harder.

"What happened to him?", I ask trying to sound clam though terror was engulfing my body.
"I don't know. I don't know", he says sobbing.

"We we're discussing this stupid game that we were put into and he said he has the role of Colonel Ketchup", Taehyung sniffles.

I thought I had the role of Colonel Ketchup?

"I told him my role which is Mrs. Black and as we were discussing strategies to beat the game he said sorry. Then I simply blinked my eyes and he was gone. Vanished into thin air. I was so scared Hyung! I don't know what happened", Taehyung says tears continuing to flow from his eyes.

Where did he go?

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