Alternative Ending

329 32 12

January 28

Jimin PoV


I close my eyes and wait for the impact.

Nothing happened.

I slowly open my eyes and look towards Namjoon whose eyes are filled with joy.

He begins to laugh out loud.

Me and Taehyung look at him quizzically.

"Why are you laughing?", I ask.

"Well, this is just a joke. Bang PD wanted to make a horror house for us but needed for you guys not to know so we could get your raw reactions. He told me about the prank as well as Seokjin and Hoseok. Don't worry, they are alive".

"So this was just some joke?", I ask, in shock.

"Yes, sorry for not being able to tell you guys", he says, chuckling.

Jungkook and Yoongi enter back into the room, their faces full of relief.

"I'm guessing you heard?", I asked.

"Yup. This was all a joke. I'm glad", Yoongi laughs nervously. "I don't know what I would've done if you all died".

"Well I can assure you all, we are safe. Nobody is going anywhere", Namjoon says.

Bang PD also walks into the living room.

"Hey guys, sorry for the scare but this content is for your fans: ARMY", he says.

We all sigh and begin to laugh, just thankful that this was all never real.

Hey guys, it's the author here and I decided to create this alternate ending due to some people not wanting everyone to die however, this is not the true end. This is just a what if so please do not take this as the proper end. Thank you!

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