594 31 19

27 January

Jungkook POV

I walked into the bathroom to use the toilet though when I walked in, I screamed.
This was due to someone else in the bathroom.

They had their back to me so I couldn't tell who it was.

"Who are y...", I was cut of as this mysterious person turned around.

"Jimin!", I say instantly hugging him.
"Kookie", he said returning the hug.

"Jungkook, are you al-", Namjoon comes running through the door but stopped in his tracks. "Jimin!", he says joining the hug.
"It's only been around fifteen minutes but it feels like a lifetime since I last saw you", Namjoon says smiling.

"Me too, Hyung", Jimin replies.

"So what happened? Why weren't you in the sitting room when the lights turned on?", Namjoon asked.
"I'm not sure. Me and Taehyung must've just stumbled out of the room accidentally. We ended up in the kitchen together. Then these messages were sent, saying that I'm playing the role of Colonel Ketchup and Taehyung is Mrs. Black. Like the Kluedo characters. It's like we are trapped inside a game", Jimin says.
"Then how did you split up from Taehyung?", I ask.
"I said to him 'I'm sorry but I need to use the bathroom real quick' and left", he says.

"So Tae is alone in the kitchen?"
"I think so", he replies.
"Right you two, use the bathroom and wait there. I'll go see if Taehyung is still in the kitchen", Namjoon says walking the opposite direction.
"Be careful", I call after him.

I turn back around to face Jimin. I smile.
"It's nice to see you again", I say.
"Same", he replies smiling.

"So who's getting to use the toilet first?", he asks looking at it.
"Rock, paper, scissors?", I say holding out my hand.

Just as we were going to play our little game, we heard a crash noise.
I run out of the bathroom and couldn't believe what I saw.

What did he witness?

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