352 26 24

January 27

Yoongi PoV

Myself and Jungkook return a few minutes later, a frying pan in hand.

I looks at Taehyung, trying to get confirmation that the frying pan was the answer.

He merely nods.

"So that's it? We can escape now?", Jungkook asks, his words full of hope.

"Not at this exact moment no", I retort. "We've got around 20 minutes left before midnight. I think we should look for Hoseok in that time. It still isn't confirmed whether he is dead or not."

"Where do we start?", Jimin asks.

I look at Taehyung.

"You swear on your life that you don't know where Hoseok is?"

"I swear Yoongi hyung. I may be the killer but I'm not the one running this game."

Wait what? So Taehyung isn't controlling this game? So there is a mastermind behind this? Is it one of us? Or someone watching from the outside?

So many questions rush through my mind.

What kind of sick bastard would make friends kill each other?

"Do we also need to know the mastermind to leave the game?", Jungkook asks.

"I have no idea, maybe. It would be best to  have an idea of who in case".

I feel like all I have done tonight is constantly search however this is for the sake of finding Hoseok.

Seokjin is confirmed dead but Hoseok... there may be a chance that he is alive.

"Jimin, you will search the bottom floor, Taehyung you will search the bedrooms, Jungkook you will search the rest of the top floor, meanwhile I will search for Namjoon so he can help us."

"Are you sure about finding him Yoongi hyung?", Jimin asks in barely a whisper.

"He is still our friend Jimin. He hasn't shown us any threat yet. He may have acted very irrationally but can you blame him? This entire game is making me go crazy as well. The sooner we all leave together, the better".

Jimin nods and leaves the room to search. Jungkook and I follow after, leaving Taehyung to search the bedrooms.

My instinct tells me that Namjoon is in the living room so that is where I go.

"Namjoon, are you in there?", I knock on the door. No response. I knock again. No response.

I give up on the living room and decide to try his bedroom. I run up the stairs and knock on his bedroom door. No response yet again.

I try to open his door however it was locked.

As I turn around to walk away I bump into Namjoon, his face full of rage.

Why is he so angry?

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