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January 27

Taehyung PoV

Jimin has something to share?

I wonder what it could be... I'm a little disappointed that he never told me before everyone else since we are best friends.

This whole night has been very confusing. I've seen different sides of my members that I've never seen before.

Their fear, their anger, their distrust.

It's understandable though. If they don't figure out who killed Seokjin, then they're all dead.

We're all victims of this game.

I just wish we could return back to us having fun while playing Kluedo. Before any of this happened...

Before I could regret my actions.

I couldn't protect anyone and I will sin for that for the rest of my life.

Even if the rest of my life is short.

For tonight may be the day I die.

At least then I wouldn't feel so much pain. So much regret. So much burden.

I'd be able to rest.

At peace.


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