Sunflower Feeling

Start from the beginning

"What?" Tony laughed nervously. "No, no. Why would you say that?" Stephen raised a brow at him. "So, you and Alina?"

Stephen said nothing and rolled his eyes. He floated out of the room.

"So you're a thing? Uh, no? No. Oh, okay. I'll see you later." Tony said watching Stephen exit the room. He clicked a button under his desk. "Bruce, I blew it."

"Yeah, I heard the whole thing." Bruce said, coming into the room with a headset. "You're terrible at flirting."

"Ugh..." Tony groaned and fell back in his chair and placed his hands over his face, dragging them down. "I just don't know how to approach him and ask that stuff. I've lost it. I used to be able to walk up to any girl and just stun her." Tony explained. "But with him, I just get lost in his eyes. He makes my hands sweat, and my knees feel so weak. I can hear my heart thumping in my ears, and I can tell that I'm blushing because my face gets so hot. A-And sometimes I stutter so bad." Tony sat up. "I don't know what to do Bruce." He looked up at Bruce, who had a huge smile plastered on his face. "What?"

"You are such a fool for him." Bruce said. Tony raised a brow. "Admit it, you're head over heels for him. You fell in love for the first time, and it scares you."

"No, no, no, no. Listen Bruce. I think this is just a dumb crush. It's gotta be." Tony said. "That's it. Nothing more."

"Tony." Bruce sent Tony a smirk.

"Bruce, stop. That's it." Tony said, turning back to his work.

"Oh, come on." Bruce went over to Tony and picked him up. He threw him on the bed and jumped on him. "Admit it. Admit it!"

Tony laughed. "Get off of me." He tried pushing Bruce off.

"Admit it! Come on." Bruce laughed, he began to tickle Tony. He knew he was ticklish.

"Bruce." Tony began to laugh. "bRuCe." His stomach began to hurt. "BRUCE!" He couldn't take it anymore.

"Do it! Admit it!"

"He's probably not here anymore. So you're welcome t-" Stephen stopped at the doorstep, only to lay eyes on Bruce and Tony, who stopped their play once they noticed Stephen at the door.

"Stephen." Tony said, he pushed Bruce off.

"Hello, Tony." Stephen rolled his eyes.

"Hi, Anthony." Alina popped her head in.

"Alina?" Tony asked.

"Seems like you two are busy, so we'll just go study somewhere else." Stephen said.

"No, no. I was just leaving." Bruce said. "Excuse me." He walked out of the room.

"Yeah. I actually have to leave, Stephen. I forgot there's this thing I have to do. So, bye." Alina walked out and into Bruce's room.

"That was perfect timing." Bruce whispered to Alina.

"Thanks." She said. They did a secrete handshake.

"Now we just listen." Bruce whispered, leaning against the way of his room.

"What are we listening for?" Thor spooked the two.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhh." Bruce put his hand over Thor's mouth and listened.

Thor smiled under Bruce's hand.


"Hey." Tony said to Stephen. Stephen didn't answer. "So, how did your classes go?"

"Good." Stephen answered, grabbing a few books and putting them in his satchel.

"Oh, well Bruce and I-"

"Anyway, I'm just going to grab a few things and leave." Stephen said, grabbing his satchel and floating out into the hall.

"Stephen, wait!" Tony chased after him.


"Darn. They took it out in the hall." Alina groaned.

Bruce and her sat down on the floor.

"I guess now we just sit and wait." Bruce said.


"I don't want to hear it." Stephen said, continuing down the hallway.

"Wait, please." Tony chased after him. Stephen only continued. "Damn, you float fast." He whispered.

"Go away Ton-" Stephen was jerked back. "I said, go-" He swung his hand at Tony.

Tony caught it. "I can't!" Tony said. "You won't listen to me, so this is the only way I can get you to listen." He said. "I hate it when I upset you because I care about you Stephen. I really do, and I feel like a complete jerk when I hurt you. I know I can be arrogant and self centered sometimes."

"Sometimes?" Stephen raised a brow.

"Okay, maybe a lot." Tony said. "But that doesn't mean I don't care about anyone else. A-And recently I've started caring for you a-a lot. You're always on my mind. I can't stop thinking about you. You drive me up the walls, you drive me nuts. I can't concentrate. I've got it bad. My day j-just gets better when you're in it. I am the luckiest person to ever live because what are the chances of getting a roommate as perfect as you? Thing is, I just couldn't live with out you. You help me so much. You bring me peace. You make me feel so at home. And I am so bad at flirting, but I-" Tony stopped once he noticed Stephen laughing. "What?"

"Oh, Tony." Stephen shook his head and laughed. "You are bad at flirting." He kissed Tony's cheek and floated away.

Tony blushed, freezing in place. He just watched his wizard float away.

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