||Chapter One|| The Facility

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You're surrounded by pristine white walls. Tiles upon tiles make up the cold, hard floor, and your bare toes and fingers are going numb from the freezing air. Your body is trembling and covered in goosebumps, which is also from the air that's nipping at your skin. The small room you've called home is terribly pristine, not even a speck of dust would be in the room for more than an hour. There's a hard little bed covered in tight white sheets and a pillow that's beyond uncomfortable, a white metal door with a small slot to slide your meals in, a giant blinding light on the ceiling that is never turned off, and you. Tiny little you. That torturous room was the room you spent your life in.

Sometimes it would drive you insane. Your mental health has been obliterated, and just deteriorates more and more with every passing day. You talk to yourself to try keep yourself sane. You pace and bang your head against the wall. Some days you don't want to do anything but lay in the bed and stare at the blindingly white ceiling. They've already had to give you a shock collar to prevent the uncanny amount of screaming and crying you do.

Who's 'they'?

You don't really know. All you know is that beyond your cell, there's people outside. They roam around the building and drag you out your cell to experiment on you every day for two hours. They wear lab coats and have tidy hair. They don't talk much. They almost always have a clipboard in their arms and some of them wear medical masks. That's really all you know.

"Eat. Return the tray in 15 minutes."

Your head whips around over to the large door in the corner of the room and the deep male voice that came from behind it. The slot is open and a black food tray is shoved inside, with the usual food placed on it. A protein bar, three apple slices and a water in a plastic cup so you can't harm yourself with glass or make a mess by smashing it. You've been eating this exact meal every single day for your entire 6 years of life.

As you slide off the bed and walk over to your meal, the slot is slammed shut and you can hear the clanging of the metal as it's locked. Then, the man's footsteps get quieter as he disappears down the hallway. You slowly bend down and sit cross-legged in front of the tray that's on the floor. You reach down for the protein bar and bring it to your lips to nibble on it, and it's still as plain and dry as always. It's the most disgusting thing you could ever eat. It's dry and so hard that it may as well be an edible brick.

In less than 3 minutes, the meal is gone after you scoffed the whole thing, eager to fill your empty and growling stomach. You don't get fed often, and even though the food is horrible, you make do and eat it anyway. You slide the tray through the door's slot and it locks when you close it again.

Another hour passes and a long, ear piercing beep rings in the room, which means there's going to be an announcement over the small speaker in the ceiling. When you hear it, you flinch and your whole body tenses up. You were beyond skittish, and everything startled you.

"Inmate 4430781, completely remove all clothing on your body for showering or we will do so forcefully."

Every two days, you always heard that exact message.

You do as your told and take off your white hospital-like gown. The air in the room was always so unbelievably cold, so having your entire body exposed to it was terrible. You hated shower time, and not just because you felt completely exposed and naked in front of strangers. The female who spoke over the speaker saw that you were naked from looking at the security camera and then she speaks again.

"Sit on your knees on the floor with your hands behind your back. You will be restrained with handcuffs to restrict your movement and then escorted out the room for showering."

Once again, you do what she says and sit on your knees on the middle of the floor with your hands behind your back. The door is unlocked and two people enter, a female and a male, who both have white lab coats on, medical masks and gloves. The male walks around you and clicks the handcuffs onto your tiny hand and he pulls you to your feet by yanking your arm. 

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