"Ahhh right, how is the devil?" I asked him sarcastically. He knew I didn't like her. I made it that obvious it was hard for him not to pick up on.

"Driving me mental" he answered.

"Really? What has she done now?" I said acting surprised. I wasn't surprised that she was pissing him off. He always came to me with his relationship issues so I was used to it. Hearing everything from Pat about Lily also have me an impression of her that I didn't already have.

"She is being so clingy. She has to know where I am every second of everyday. It's like I've got no independence anymore" he told me.

"That's expected from her not gonna lie. But what exactly are you going to do about it?" I asked him.

"I don't know. Like I really don't know. We have so much history I don't want to end our relationship" he explained.

"It's up to you my friend" I said as I arrived at the restaurant. I parked across the road from it and jumped out of my car. Pat and I walked alongside each other into the restaurant. We got a table on the outside deck. The waitress came over quite quickly and we ordered our lunch.

"Ready for the game?" I asked him.

"Yep, I think we've got this one in the bag" he said confidently.

"Really?" I said surprised at his answer.

"Yeah for suuurrreeee" he said with a grin.

"We'll see" I said with a giggle.

"How's Parish?" He asked looking off into the distance. He wanted to ask to be polite, but he definitely didn't want to hear the answer. Any mention of my boyfriend, and Pat drifted off.

"Distant" I told him.

"What's he doing" he asked.

"Just texting all the time, not responding when I ask him something. You know stuff like that, that isn't what I want" I told him.

"I definitely know that. But anytime I tell you, you don't wanna hear it" He told me.

"Cause he was my first love. Just like you and Lily. It's not easy, you should understand that" I told him. He looked sort of sad when I said that. His head dropped and he was twiddling his thumbs. He then looked up at me.

"Was. He was your first love George" he said which caught me by surprise. He was my first love. I didn't even pick up that I used passed tense.

"Ugghhh, you're right. I don't know what to do" I said and then I put my head in my hands. He stood up of his chair and came around to the chair next to me. He wrapped his arm around me so I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it too much George. I know you'll work it out. You are that smart it's not funny" he said.

"Thanks Pat" I said to him and pulled him into a hug.

"No problem George, you know you can talk to me whenever" he told me, I nodded agreeing with him.

Pat and I then ate our lunch and then we decided to go to the game early. We both got in the car and drove 7 minutes to Marvel. I parked in the player car parking spots and we both jumped out. We walked down to the rooms and we were some of the first to arrive. Pat put his bag down and grabbed a footy. Since no one else was here, he started doing some handball practice with me. Then Zac Fisher and Sam Petrevski-Seton walked in the door. I knew them through Pat, not that well but they were really nice guys. They chucked their bags down and came over to us.

"Hey Crippa" they said as they shook Pat's hand.

"You guys know Georgia right?" Pat asked them.

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