VI-Skipping school (Part1).

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"Mind to explain why I should skip school and that too with an idiot like you?" I said ripping my arms away from his grip and started walking in the opposite direction. To be honest, his touch was different and welcoming.

Next thing he did was even more surprising. He just pulled me over his shoulder.

Gosh, this guy really doesn't know the meaning of rejection.

I tried to hit and kick him. The keyword is tried as he hardly even budged.

"Was that supposed to hurt, sweetheart?" He asked raising his eyebrow. "Because I must say that punch was pathetic."

I tempted to slap him hard across the face, but I suppressed the feeling knowing he would not even feel my slap, so I decided to just stick by words.

"Put me down you fucking idiot. Everyone is watching."I yelled

He totally ignored instructions and continued walking.

"Oh, so our little nerd knows such good words, interesting." Austin said chuckling.

Oh so out of the whole sentence, he has just heard the cursing? Epic

After walking for some more he stopped in front of something and finally placed me down.

"Has your brain finally crashed by being with all those nasty girls? I am never sitting on this thing." I protested as he put me down next to his motorcycle.

"Come on it's not death ride it's just a motorcycle princess." Austin said with a pout.

Oh my god. He just called me princess. I felt like I am on cloud nine.

But again my silly inside voice decided to ruin my happy feeling.

'No Jenny he is just trying to play with your feeling. So you would sit on that motorcycle.'

For the first time I agreed with my inner mind.

"Still I am not sitting on that motorcycle" I yelled again suppressing the silly blush.

"Stop calling it Motorcycle all the Time" He said again.

I cocked my eyebrow at him. If he was thinking that by telling me some stupid lie I would Agree to sit on that then he have certainly mistaken.

"Then what is it a magical chair?" I said sarcastically.

Ignoring my sarcastic tone, he said

"She is Cosset titanium series-...."

"Hold on. She? "I asked in disbelief. He smiled down at his motorcycle as if it's the most beautiful thing in world.

"Yes, she is Rose, my love." He said running his fingers tenderly down the motorcycle.

Naming a motorcycle was such a childish thing, but I somewhat liked it.

"But I am still not getting on. She is scary and I don't know how much girls have been seated on this thing." I scrunched my nose in disgust.

"Actually you're the first one to ride on my baby, count yourself lucky princess."He said with smirk

He should totally stop calling me princess. It increases my heart rate to very unusual speeds. Which I suppose is not good?

His words warmed my heart. I felt a whole bloody troop of butterflies in my stomach.

At last I agreed to sit on his baby because I had no other option.

He sighed happily and handed me his helmet.

"If I am wearing this what will you wear?" I asked in curiosity, as there was only one helmet.

"I am going to conjure a magic helmet out of thin air "He replied sarcastically. "Besides why do you care?" He said with a sly smirk.

I looked away from him feeling uneasy as he was staring directly into my eyes.

Doesn't he know staring so intensely will kill me then and there by heart attack? Maybe he doesn't.

He tilted my head slightly to fasten my helmet. He checked if it is properly put.

Oh God, this guy seriously cares for something. Woah.

Defeated I took seat behind him.

He climbed in front of me and all I could think was how sexy his back looks.

God this guy is seriously perverting my thinking.

I had no idea what to do with my two silly hands and I was worried if I would just let them flop by my side I would die of falling.

"If you don't want to die so soon princess, I suggest you put your arms around me." He said by reading my thoughts. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly for dear life.

"I hate you." I grumbled as his motorcycle roared to life.

"I know you love me, princess." he said with a light chuckle. As if it was damn obvious.

"In your dreams, jerk." I said rolling my eyes.

He laughed and shook his head in disbelief.

"Seriously, jerk is the only word you could think of?" he said in a fake sad tone. "I thought by now you would have written an entire new book on bad words for Austin."

The conversation died eventually as he concentrated on driving. I thought sitting behind Bad Boy who was driving as if there was no tomorrow would be scary but I was actually enjoying the ride. The ride was silent but millions of questions were going through my mind.

Where were we going? Why did he skip class with me of all people? Why is his back so hot? Why does he smell so good?

Seriously Jenny again these thoughts. I am seriously thinking a lot about him.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't notice that motorcycle had stopped and Austin was standing in front of me laughing like a maniac until he spoke.

"Down to earth Jenny. I know you are mesmerized by my looks but don't stare at me like this in such a public place. What will people think?" He said laughing. Laughing is an understatement, his eyes were literally watering by laughing and on this I felt my cheeks getting red again. Damn.

He obviously felt the need to comment on this.

"Wow. You blush so easily. Are you usually like this or am I an exception?" He said poking my cheek with his finger. I blushed harder if that was even possible and slapped his hand away.

"Quit that." I ordered looking at him annoyed.

But stopping a laughing Idiot was a damn hard task.


So readers what do you think? Where must have Austin brought Jenny?



To know all this keep on reading....and don't forget to comment and vote, dear readers.

UNTAMED FEELINGS.(Published)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum