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Louis spent the night on the couch again that night, and in the morning when he woke up, things went more or less the same as the day before, except Harry had to leave for the airport later, so he allowed Louis to make him breakfast.

After Harry left, Louis got both kids ready, which was a bit of a struggle, because Naomi woke up whiny, but he managed alright, and he was on time to get Julian to daycare.

When he got there, he took Naomi out of her car seat first, and went around, and while holding the baby, opened Julian's door, and unbuckled his car seat strap.

"Come on, love" Louis said for Julian to get out of the car, knowing he could do it on his own.

"No, mummy" Julian frowned.

"Jules, come on" Louis insisted "You're gonna be late".

"I no wanna" Julian pouted.

"Why not? You love daycare" Louis told him, which was very true.

"Wanna go wif you, mummy" Julian replied.

"Baby, I'm just running a bunch of boring errands, you're going to have a lot more fun here with your friends" Louis explained.

"No" Julian shook his head.

"Jules, I know you're scared that I'm leaving and I'm not coming back for you, but I will, love, I'll come back and get you in a few hours, alright? I promise" Louis explained, having a better understanding of his child now.

"Yeah?" Julian asked timidly.

"Yes, baby boy, I'll be back for you, I promise" Louis said sincerely.

With that he managed to convince his son, and he got out of the car, and he took him inside. People at daycare seemed genuinely surprised to see him, but Louis didn't say anything or gave any explanation, because he had no idea what Harry he said there about his sudden disappearance, and he didn't want to mess up whatever lie he probably told.

Once Julian was safe and sound in daycare, Louis and Naomi went back to the car, and that's when he decided to start "The Apology Route", which was what he was calling it in his head.

As the day before had been all about the kids and Harry, Louis had decided that today he needed to apologize to the rest of the people he had hurt when he left, and the first stop was Surrey, where his mum lived.

The drive there took a while, and during that entire time Louis thought about Harry and what had happened between them the night before.

That kiss was mainly what he thought about, as he had felt that hunger in Harry's lips that gave him hope that one day, maybe sooner rather than later, Harry was going to forgive him.

When he got to his mum's house, the first thing he said was sorry, even though he had already said it over the phone, and she said again it was okay, and then welcomed him into her house with opened arms, and they talked for a long time about everything Louis went through, and everything that he wanted now for his life, for Harry and for the kids.

He wanted to stay there just a couple of hours, because he had a lot of places to be, but he ended up staying for lunch after his mum insisted.

But after he and his mum ate, and he fed Naomi a bottle, they really left, because he did have a lot of places to go.

Louis actually wanted to talk to Liam next, but he was scared shïtless about facing his childhood best friend, so he decided it was best to start with Niall, he was a much understanding person, and maybe he would tell him how to approach Liam.

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