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Things were bad at home, very bad.

It had been clear for a long time know that Louis had postpartum depression, but Harry had naive enough to believe Louis when he said that things would get better once Naomi got home.

But the reality couldn't be farther from that.

Louis was still depressed, and honestly, he got worse every day, it had actually gotten pretty bad the day Louis discovered he didn't have any more milk to pump, and he had blamed himself, and kept saying he was a terrible mother.

But he wasn't, depression and all, Louis was a great mum, but Harry didn't seem to convince him of that, and they fought constantly, because Harry still couldn't convince his boyfriend that he needed help. And Louis' depression, plus their fights were affecting the kids, especially Julian, who was old enough to realize something was going on, and he was throwing tantrums constantly.

It had been a month now since Naomi came home, so it was June, and although the baby was still crying a lot constantly, which the doctor had declared was because she had colic, she was thriving; she was getting bigger and chubbier every day, and as she got older it became more and more clear that she was the prettiest baby girl in the entire world.

Harry was currently with Naomi in the nursery,  he was sitting in the floor, and he had the baby laying down on her back in her jungle gym and she seemed pretty focused on the little plush animals that were hanging over her. They had been at it for a while, since Louis left to go pick up Julian from daycare, which had been at least 20 minutes ago, but they weren't back yet.

"Do you like this one better?" Harry asked shaking the little monkey.

Naomi's dark blue eyes focused on the monkey and she shook her little arms and legs, and Harry interpreted that as a yes. Although Naomi was almost 3 months olds, she wasn't smiling yet, as most 3 month old babies did, and that was because she was technically only a few weeks old. It was a bit confusing, but the doctor had told them that in order to register her milestones, they didn't have to take into consideration her real age, but her corrected age, meaning, the age she would be if she had been born around her original due date.

That meant that it was normal that she wasn't smiling yet, so they weren't worried.

"Yeah, baby princess? You like the little monkey?" Harry cooed.

Harry was about to pick her up in order to give her a cuddle, but that was when they were interrupted.

"Daddy!" Julian exclaimed as he ran into the nursery.

"Hi, Jules" Harry greeted his son as the toddler threw himself into his arms "When did you get here?".

"Now" Julian answered.

"I see" Harry said, and kissed Julian's head, the little boy had made himself comfortable on Harry's lap "And how was daycare today?".

"Good" Julian gave him a nod.

"Good, huh? Did you do all sort of fun things?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah" Julian answered as he stood on Harry's legs, and threw his arms around his father's neck "Miss you".

"Aww, you missed me?" Harry cooed, and Julian nodded "I missed you too".

Julian giggled as he heard that, which was a beautiful sound.

"How about Naomi, did you miss her?" Harry asked, pointing at the baby girl still in her jungle gym.

"Uh-huh" Julian nodded.

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