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Pick up the phone, Louis told himself.

Come on, make the call.

Louis grabbed his phone from the bed, where it was laying right in front of him, unlocked it, looked for Sally's contact, but just when he was about to press it, he left the phone back on the bed.

He stared at it until the screen went black, and then he started telling himself again to pick it up.

It had been exactly a week since he met Zayn and Gigi at the adoption agency, and exactly 6 days since he had been trying to make the call to the social worker to tell her that he had decided to give them the baby.

Because that was his decision.

He was sure of it.

But for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to make the call.

Louis picked up the phone again, but this time he didn't unlock it, he just stared at it.

"You know that's not how phones work, right?" Harry's voice came from the door.

Louis looked in his direction, and saw Harry giving him a sympathetic smile, knowing what he was up to.

"I know" Louis sighed, and dropped the phone again.

"Lou, don't you think that maybe the reason why you can't bring yourself to make the call is because you don't want to make it" Harry said, walking into the room.

"But I do want to make the call" Louis assured him.

"Do you really?" Harry asked, and sat on the bed.

"Yes" Louis said determinately "I want that couple to be my baby's parents".

"Then why can't you bring yourself to make the call?" Harry asked, but his tone wasn't demanding, it was gentle, soft.

"Because then it will be final" Louis answered.

"It won't be, you told me the social worker explained that the adoption won't be final until the judge grants it, and that will only happen weeks after the baby is born" Harry reminded him.

"Legally, yes, that's when it's final" Louis admitted "But to me it will be final when the adoptive parents are told that I will give them the baby, because I can't back down after that happens, it would be horrible of me".

"That's very considerate on your part" Harry acknowledged

"It's not, it's just how it has to be, if anyone gives their word, they have to keep it" Louis said determinately.

"So then you're scared that you might back down after you make the call?" Harry concluded.

"Yes" Louis replied.

"And what do you think are the chances of that happening?" Harry wondered.

"None" Louis answered truthfully "I'm sure that I won't change my mind".

"Then I don't understand what's the problem" Harry said, clearly confused.

"The problem is Liam" Louis declared.

"Liam?" Harry frowned.

"He got into my head" Louis confessed, and Harry was still frowning so he explained further "He said that if I give up the baby I will regret it, which I don't think will happen, I've thought about this long and hard, so it's a well thought decision, but still, every time I pick up the phone to call the social worker, I hear Liam's voice in the back of my head telling me that I will regret this decision".

"Hmm" Harry hummed.

"What?" Louis demanded, having no idea what tha hum meant.

"Is it really Liam's voice you hear or is it your voice?" Harry wondered.

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