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"Lou? What's wrong?" Harry asked as he walked up to him.

"I'm having contractions" Louis declared, feeling completely terrified.

"Shït" Harry cursed.

"Don't say that in front of Julian" Louis told him off, as the contraction passed.

"Sorry, sorry" Harry apologized, and he grabbed Julian from the bed "Are you sure it's contractions?".

"Of course I'm sure, I've been in labor before" Louis said as he held his belly.

"Then let's call the nurse" Harry said and pressed the call button.

"I already did that" Louis said, and let out a puff of air "Harry, I'm scared".

"Don't be, they'll give you something to stop the contractions" Harry said trying to stay calm.

"Can you call your mum or mine to come pick up Jules, he looks terrified" Louis said as he rubbed his belly.

He wasn't contracting again yet, but he knew it was going to come, and it was going to be painful. The first one had come out of nowhere, and had been very painful, and Louis hadn't been good at hiding it, that's why poor Julian was so scared.

The nurse walked into the room then, and Louis was quick to tell her what was happening, and while Harry called his mum to ask her to come to the hospital, the nurse called the doctor, and then she put a belt around his belly to measure the contractions, which proved that Louis was in fact having them.

When the doctor arrived, Louis had already had 2 more contractions, which were about 7 minutes apart, and they put something on his IV drip that was supposed to stop the contractions altogether.

Just as they started the drip, Harry's mum arrived at the hospital, and after she told them to be calm and that everything would be okay, she took Julian home with her, telling them not to worry about him, that he would be more than fine with her.

"I'm having another one" Louis said as he held onto Harry's hand tightly, and he took deep breaths "Ow, it hurts".

"It's okay, I'm here" Harry said softly.

The contraction ended, and Louis was relieved, and he didn't want anymore contractions, and not because it hurt like hell, but because he didn't want Naomi to be born, she wasn't ready to come out.

"Louis, I want to check you, see if you're dilating" the doctor explained.

"Okay" Louis allowed.

The doctor examined him, and determined that Louis was indeed dilating, but he was only 2 centimetres, and the doctor said that if they managed to get the contractions to stop, it wouldn't be an issue.

"I'm going to be coming back to check on you every 15 minutes, okay?" Dr. Ricci told him as he scribbled in Louis' chart "Just stay optimistic, your baby's doing very well, and that's what matters".

"Yeah" Louis sighed.

The doctor and nurse left, leaving Louis and Harry alone, and they both looked at each other without saying anything, but their eyes said it all.

"I don't want her to come today" Louis finally whispered.

"Me neither, baby" Harry sighed "But if she comes, she will be okay, your heard the doctor, she's doing very well".

"Please stay in there, Naomi, please" Louis begged as he looked down to his belly.

Harry sat on the bed next to Louis, and held him just as another contraction started, and he helped him get through it, as the loving and perfect boyfriend he was.

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