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The alarm went off early that morning waking both Harry and Louis up, the latter turning it off seeing as it came from his phone.

But Louis didn't get up, he just cuddled deeper into Harry's arms, who was holding him, and truth be told, he didn't want to get up either, he was too comfortable, so he quickly fell asleep again.

But the alarm went off again a few minutes later, and once again Louis turned it off.

"I don't wanna go to work" Louis whined in a baby voice.

Harry smiled, thinking Louis was cute, and he kissed his forehead, just as all of last night's events flooded his head.

"Lou?" Harry suddenly asked, and opened his eyes.

"Mmm?" Louis hummed.

"Last night was real, right?" Harry asked, his hand going to Louis' belly, and he felt the small curvature on it "We're having a baby?".

"Yeah" Louis answered, and kissed Harry's neck "We're having a baby".

Harry still couldn't wrap his head around it, and like he had told Louis, he was sure he wasn't going to be able to convince himself that this was really happening until he had the little baby in his arms.

Louis stirred and then as he rubbed his eyes, he tried to get up from the bed.

"Don't go yet" Harry said, holding him in place.

"I have to get ready for work" Louis argued "And Jules ready for daycare".

"I'm keeping Jules home with me today" Harry decided.

"Okay, but I still have to work" Louis insisted, pecked Harry's lips, and got up from the bed.

Louis was naked, and so was Harry for that matter, because after the news were delivered that they were having a baby together, and it sunk in for a while, Harry forgot he had flown a plane for 12 hours, and he made sure to let Louis know how happy he was about the baby.

"How did I not notice you were pregnant?" Harry asked as he watched Louis put on a pair of boxers.

Because it was so obvious that the belly he had was holding a baby inside, he felt so stupid for not realising it before.

"Because you didn't think it could happen, and neither did I" Louis answered while he took some clothes from the closet "Can you go check on Jules while I take a shower?".

"Of course, baby" Harry agreed.

Louis walked out of the bedroom, and Harry stretched in bed for a few seconds before he got up, put on a pair of joggers and a T-shirt, and went to the room that was right next to theirs, opened the door, and found Julian standing in his crib, and he could bet anything he had been trying to get out of it.

"Morning, Jules" Harry said as he walked up to him.

"Daddy" Julian answered and raised his arms.

Harry grabbed him, kissed his forehead, and walked out of the toddler's room with him, and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone, but found Liam was already at it.

So Harry let Julian run around, and he helped Liam, and when it was ready, he sat Julian in his booster chair, just as Louis walked out to the living room already dressed, and they all sat down to have breakfast together.

"So Liam..." Louis started, and took a drink from his tea.

"Mmm?" Liam hummed, he had his mouth full of toast.

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