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After Harry finished switching the stuff from the closets of his and Louis' room, he went to get the baby clothes from the dryer, which he took to Louis' room in a laundry basket.

He left said basket on Louis' bed, and went over to the crib to check on Julian, who he had left sleeping, but now was awake, and trying to stretch inside the blanket he was tightly wrapped in.

"Did you have a good nap, Julian?" Harry asked as he took him from the crib, and gave him a kiss.

Harry loved Julian so much it was insane.

He thought the reason why he was so attached was because he was there when the baby was born and took his first breath, also because he cut the cord, and was one of the first people to hold him.

That's why he had been so heartbroken when after the baby was born Louis announced he was still going to give him up for adoption, and why when Louis said he wanted him back he didn't hesitate to run and get him.

Harry held Julian to his chest, as he kept kissing his head, thinking how comforting and relaxing it was to just hold a baby.

That was until Julian started fussing, and Harry had a good idea why that could be.

"What is it, love? You have a wet nappy?" Harry asked as he inspected said nappy "I think you do".

He grabbed the stuff to change him, put a blanket on the bed, seeing as the changing table hadn't been delivered yet, and quickly changed Julian's wet nappy, getting him dressed again fast, so he wouldn't get cold.

"We're all done, baby boy" Harry said as he picked up Julian from the bed after he put hand sanitizer in his hands, and threw away the nappy.

Julian was being cute, and poking his little tongue a bit as he stared at Harry with his beautiful dark blue eyes open.

"You look so much like your mum, did you know that?" Harry asked, because all he could see in Julian was Louis, 100% Louis "You're just as beautiful as he is".

Harry lifted Julian a bit so he could kiss his forehead, but as he did so the baby whined, which he had come to recognize as his hungry cry.

"You're a bit hungry, huh?" Harry realized "We're going to have to wake up your mummy".

He was about to get up from the bed and go do that, when Louis showed up at the door, looking tired and sleepy, but cute as hëll.

"I was about to wake you up, he's hungry again" Harry told Louis.

"Yeah?" Louis asked, walking up to them, and offered his hands to take the baby "Come here, Jules".

"You're calling him Jules?" Harry asked as he gave Louis his son.

"Yeah, is it a weird nickname?" Louis asked sitting on the bed with his baby.

"No, it's cute" Harry said sincerely, while he started folding the baby clothes from the basket.

"You didn't have to wash the clothes, I was going to do it" Louis told him, while he lifted his shirt to feed Julian, and Harry tried not to look to give him privacy.

"You know I like doing housework, and while Julian was sleeping I had nothing else to do" Harry explained.

"I thought you were taking your stuff from the closet" Louis reminded him, his eyes focused on Julian.

"I did that too" Harry replied "I even took it to my new room and I brought your stuff here".

"How? I was sleeping in there" Louis frowned, looking at Harry.

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